Sunday 1 July 2012

Random Reads #4 - An Utterly Exasperated History of Modern Britain by John O'Farrell

Yay yay yay! It's that time again! Since it's halfway through the year, I have a ton of catch-up and summary posts to write, but Random Reads is by far my favourite. So far I've managed to get through every book I've been given. Look - 

Random Read #1: The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Vol. 2 by Alan Moore
Random Read #2: Telling Tales: A History of Literary Hoaxes by Melissa Katsoulis
Random Read #3: Delusions of Gender by Cordelia Fine

Okay, so that's only two, but I'm sure there will be many more, as long as Sarah from I'm Loving Books keeps it going! 

You know, I haven't managed to get a single fiction book yet. Cross your fingers for July!

The idea is to read one book, picked completely at random, off your TBR shelf. This is absolutely brilliant for me, as I have a huge TBR that never seems to go down and it doesn't help that I have so many review books waiting to be read!

Want to join in?

It’s easy…
  1. If you’re on Goodreads, enable sorting to your to-read shelf (you should see numbers next to each book now).
  2. Go to and type in the Min as 1 and the Max as how many ever books are on your to-read shelf.
  3. Scroll down to the book matching the number picks.
  4. Link up to your Random Reads post by clicking on the banner above.
If you’re not on Goodreads just pick a random book from your list in whatever way you want to do it. You can use the method I used above or even just close your eyes and point randomly at a book on your bookshelf if you want (spin the bottle style).  

(explanation stolen from the sign-up post). 

Oh look, another non-fiction book. Quelle surprise!

That's actually getting quite strange now. Oh well, I've been looking forward to reading An Utterly Exasperated History of Modern Britain and at least I can count it for Ellie's Mixing it Up Challenge!

Join the meme here!


  1. This is a great idea! I've had a go at it myself this month, hope it kick starts me after a reading slump, thank you for featuring it!

  2. ooh this sounds like a great book! Happy Reading :)

  3. I love this meme! It's so helpful! I hope you enjoy your read for this month. I'm not big on non fiction, just haven't found the right one yet ;)

  4. I'm not sure I have any non-fiction on my list. I have some in my library and kindle, but I haven't put any on my TBR list.. is that cheating? LOL. Anyways, I do hope you enjoy it! My pick was Covet by JR Ward :0)


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