Saturday 30 June 2012

TGIF #7 - The Best Books of Spring and Summer 2012

Best I've Read So Far: We're half way through the year (crazy how time flies!), which top 3 books are the best you've read so far this year?

God, I just can't believe it's the end of June already. Funnily enough, I was trying to decide on my top five books of the year so far only the other night. My reasoning being that if I do a Top Ten Books at the end of December (like I did last year), logically I should be able to pick five right now.

Unfortunately, this TGIF asks for only three! Here's my narrowed-down list - click on the titles for my reviews. 

Book cover of Lord of the Flies by William GoldingPaperback book cover of Pirates! in an Adventure with Scientists by Gideon DefoeBook cover of 1Q84 by Haruki Murakami

Lord of the Flies by William Golding

I really didn't expect to like Lord of the Flies - several family members had warned me away from it, and if it wasn't for Bex from An Armchair by the Sea, I might have given it up as a lost cause.

Instead, I ended up absolutely loving it. Yes, it's a little gross at times, but the intense atmosphere that William Golding created makes it more than worth a little cringing.

I've pretty much flung this series at every single friend, both online and offline. They're just so wonderful - easy, fun reads about a less than traditional pirate crew. The movie version came out a few months ago, and that compiles both this book and the second - The Pirates! in an Adventure with Moby Dick.

Please go read them. Please. 

1Q84 - Haruki Murakami 

I feel a bit cheater-y using 1Q84 here as I haven't a) read Book Three yet and b) haven't written my review, but I couldn't not include it. I was slightly intimidated by it at first, but I went into the story barely knowing anything about it and I was hooked one tiny chapter in. Watch this space for a review. 

Honourable mentions:

Between the Lines by Jodi Picoult and Samantha Van Leer
Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton

What are your favourite reads of 2012 so far?


  1. I finally read Jurassic Park! It was really good. And my GOODNESS I wanted to strangle that little girl. I've never heard of a child whining SO MUCH about being hungry.

    1. And bored. And scared.

      God, I don't think I've EVER wanted to strangle a character as much.

  2. Yay I'm so glad Lord of the Flies is one of your favourites!! :-) I really must reread it soon!

    So far mine are A Discovery of Witches and Shadow of Night. Also The Descendants by Kaui Hart Hemmings (which the movie is based on, and which was kind of unexpectedly great), and then there's the Fables series.... I just finished reading the one you got me the other day and it was great, so thanks again! :-)

    1. I really need to read A Discovery of Witches. Ah well, I'll get to it one day. I saw The Descendants in a charity shop the other day, but I didn't want it badly enough to go to the ATM and get some change. I swear, not carrying cash really cuts down on impulse buying...

      Yay! I'm so glad! I need to catch up on my Fables reading :)

  3. You and your pirates, I'm really going to have to read one of them aren't I?

  4. Now that you're asking... Top 3:
    * Muriel Barbery: The Elegance of the Hedgehog
    * Ali Shaw: The Girl with Glass Feet
    * Alan Bennett: The Uncommon Reader

    1. Oh, and I've got to add that the pirate book sounds great!


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