Saturday, March 29, 2025

Review Policy and Contact Details

Thank you for visiting Booking In Heels and considering me as a reviewer for your book. I couldn't survive without reading and being able to reach out to other readers with my blog. I love receiving books from authors and publishers and passing on my opinions to my visitors, and I'm always happy to host giveaways or author interviews.

I try always to offer an honest review, whether I liked the book or not. Every single book in the world has its good points and bad, and I strive to highlight both of these in my reviews. I will never just write a long, rude rant about a book, even if it's not a favourite of mine.

Unfortunately I can only accept books in paper format, as I have trouble with my eyes and reading on an E-Reader can make them ache.

Books I Read

I'm not particularly picky about what genre I read, but you can get a basic idea by looking at the books I've read this year and last. I enjoy YA, fantasy, dystopian, non-fiction, historical fiction, crime... the only genre I'm not keen on are 'misery memoirs.' The best thing to do is ask. If I don't think a certain book and I will get along, I will politely decline.  

Time Frame

Due to my lack of regimented work-place commitments, I can nearly always review your book promptly. However, if you would prefer me to have a review posted by a certain date, I will certainly do my best. If I'm really struggling with a book, possibly because we're just not made for each other, I do reserve the right to not post a review - but I will always notify you of such a situation.

Contact Details

My e-mail is It would be helpful if you could send as much detail as possible about the book you'd like me to review, such as the title, genre, synopsis, release date, etc. I always aim to reply within a few days.

Thank you for reading and I hope I hear from you!

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