Sunday 1 July 2012

League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Book Challenge: Halfway Wrap-up

The thought of being halfway through the year fills me with simultaneous feelings of excitement and dread. I'm thrilled that I'm only two months away from starting my BPTC, but I'm also horrified by how far behind I am with my League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Challenge!

A huge amount of you are doing brilliantly though, which is great :) We even have one finisher, so a huge wave to Howling Frog Books who's the first one across the finish line!

Organised by character, these are the completed books so far - 

Allan Quatermain - King Solomon's Mines

Howling Frog Books
Book World In My Head
The Book Stop
Musings of a Bookshop Girl

Mina Harker - Dracula

Booking in Heels (me!)
The Book Stop 
Book World In My Head
Nylon Admiral
Lit Addicted Brit
Howling Frog Books

Captain Nemo - Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea

Book World In My Head
Howling Frog Books

Jekyll/Hyde - The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Howling Frog Books 
Boekenwijs (in Swedish?)

Frank Skinner - The Invisible Man

Dorian Gray - The Picture of Dorian Gray

Tom Sawyer - The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
The Phantom - The Phantom of the Opera

James Moriarty - The Final Problem

Boekenwijs (in Swedish?)

I just can't believe everybody's doing so well!


I'll be back at the end of September with another update, when hopefully I'll have completed a few more of these myself. Good luck everyone!


  1. Right. I've just downloaded the eBook of The Phantom of the Opera and The Invisible Man from Project Gutenberg and I am totally going to read one of them as soon as I've finished Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, which will be this evening.

    I can't only be one book in at the half way point. That's just daft!

    1. Oh, I read Incredibly Loud... a few months ago. Still haven't watched the film, but with Tom Hanks and Sandra Bullock it can't be bad :)

      The Invisible Man is really short, I couldn't believe it. I think I might read The Phantom of the Opera next too. Or maybe Tom Sawyer seeing as it's the one I'm LEAST looking forward to.

    2. I have rather a lot of love for Tom Hanks so it must be good but I watched the trailer last night after I finished the book and it wasn't what I wanted it to be somehow...Oskar just didn't look or act how I imagined. Meh.

      Really, thought, this was less for me to share my love for Tom Hanks and more for me to say that I started The Phantom of the Opera and it is brilliant! Seriously.

  2. Waving back! I had a lot of fun. :)

  3. I have to confess I am struggling with not far to go now. Will keep at it though. This post has given me the incentive I need.


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