Saturday 1 September 2012

Random Reads #6 - The Life of Pi by Yann Martel

This is the sixth consecutive month I'll be participating in Random Reads, hosted by I'm Loving Books, and this is the month that I will get a fiction book. It's not even a question anymore - if the random number generator picks out another non-fiction book, it's clear the world is out to get me.

Random Read #1: The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Vol. 2 by Alan Moore
Random Read #2: Telling Tales: A History of Literary Hoaxes by Melissa Katsoulis
Random Read #3: Delusions of Gender by Cordelia Fine
Random Read #4: An Utterly Exasperated History of Modern Britain by John O'Farrell 

Random Read #5: Two Queens in One Isle by Alison Plowden (not reviewed yet)

*cries* See? Non-fiction all the way. Cross your fingers people!  

Want to join in?

It’s easy…
  1. If you’re on Goodreads, enable sorting to your to-read shelf (you should see numbers next to each book now).
  2. Go to and type in the Min as 1 and the Max as how many ever books are on your to-read shelf.
  3. Scroll down to the book matching the number picks.
  4. Link up to your Random Reads post by clicking on the banner above.
If you’re not on Goodreads just pick a random book from your list in whatever way you want to do it. You can use the method I used above or even just close your eyes and point randomly at a book on your bookshelf if you want (spin the bottle style).  

(explanation stolen from last month's sign-up post). 


Can it possibly be!? It is! I got a fiction book - The Life of Pi by Yann Martel.

I only bought this last week, but it's likely it would have been a while before I actually got round to reading it, so I'm content with this. Haha, it's made my month! :D   


  1. What's so bad about non fiction!? And besides, you apparently wanted these books, otherwise they wouldn't have made it onto your TBR piles, right? ;-D

    1. Nothing's wrong with non-fiction, it was just strange that out of my 200+ TBR, it only ever wanted me to read those!

  2. Hooray for a fiction pick at last! And double hooray that it's a book already teetering on the top of my TBR pile... sometimes a little nudge from your direction is all I need to finally read a book! And hey, at least you'll be read and done when the movie comes out, right? Enjoy... :)

    1. That's the plan! It's why I'm so happy with this pick - I really want to read it before I see the film, and this way I know I definitely will :)

      I'll keep you posted!

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