Thursday 15 September 2011

The Time Will Come #8

This is a Thursday meme hosted by Jodie at Books For Company to shine a light on those books we've had on our TBR piles so long that they're practically part of the furniture. To join in, just post about a book you've been really meaning to read and then hop on over here and link up. I love looking at everyone else's TBR piles, so you can see a full list of the other participants over there too.

 I'm almost positive I actually started this one. Well, vaguely positive. But then, why would I stop reading after just a few pages? I never do that. *is confused*

Anyway, regardless of whether or not I got distracted by a shiny object, this book is the beginning of a new series that follows on from The Magician's Guild books. I really do recommend those as they're possibly my favourite YA fantasy series. 

I do want to read it as it's really far down my TBR pile and I'm working on clearing it out (see last week's post). It's just that fact I may (or may not) have started it and put it down, and that kind of puts me off...

Sorry, I think I'm having a lunatic day.


  1. I know what you mean, I can't pick up a book again if I put it down! =(
    Really puts me off.

  2. I loved The Magician's Guild series (in no small part because I had a big old fiction-crush on Akarin!) but for some reason haven't managed to get to this series! If you ever do get (back) to it, I'll be awaiting a seal of approval! Or not...


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