Saturday 19 October 2013

The Ninja Book Swap Link-Up


If you follow me or Bex by any method, you'll most likely have noticed us talking incessantly about the second Ninja Book Swap. This version had a fun Halloween twist, involving sending a Trick or Treat-esque parcel to your recipient. We left a 'normal Ninja' swap option as well, for those who prefer the no-strings style swap.

Anyway, the parcels are out and the gifts are in! Well, for the most part. There's a linky below so you can link up to your posts - who doesn't love noseying at what everybody else received!? I know the international parcels may not have arrived yet, but don't worry - there's plenty of time!

This is the last ninja swap of the year. We decided not to do a Christmas version as that's kind of The Broke and the Bookish territory, but we'll be back in time for Valentine's Day! If you want a reminder when it's time to sign-up, just e-mail ninjabookswap (at) outlook (dot) com.   

Oh, and a nod to Ellie for for thinking of the linky idea when we completely didn't. At all.

So let's link up our package posts, people! Wow, I'm good with the alliteration today... 


  1. Great idea; next best after getting ninja presents is being nosy about other people's ninja presents! :D :D Especially books.

  2. The Linky is an EXCELLENT idea, especially when people like me (*blushes*) forget to email to say they've got their parcel safe and sound thank you. :)

    P.S. I'm quite glad there's no Christmas swap, because then I'd probably have to pick between sending presents to a few bloggers and doing the Ninja Swap for one. So that works for me!

    1. That's a good point, I don't think we even really thought of that! :-)

  3. Dear Hanna, I want to see your swap goodies!!

    Love Bex


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