Wednesday 19 June 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Hanna's Summer TBR 2013

It's been a busy week and I have quite a lot I should be doing right now, but I couldn't let my favourite Top Ten Tuesday topic pass by without joining in. I never end up sticking up these, ever, but I love putting together lists of the things I might be tempted by this Summer

1) Bright Young Things by Scarlett Thomas
I seem to be slowly making my way through Scarlett Thomas' complete collection - I adored The End of Mr Y, and enjoyed both Our Tragic Universe and PopCo.

I actually managed to pick this up in HMV last week for £1.99 and I know for a fact that it's been £7 there for about a year. They do seem to be selling off a lot of their books lately - does anybody know if they're getting rid of their book section or something?

Anyway, yes. I was incredibly pleased to find it so cheap and now I absolutely can't wait to read it. Her books are so interesting!

2) Lost in Time (Blue Bloods series #6) by Melissa de la Cruz

Despite the vaguely horrific (and irrelevant) cover, I actually can't wait to read this.

I seem to be on a bit of a rereading kick this year and I've loved the Blue Bloods series just as much as I did the first time. Don't get me wrong, they have their faults, but I don't care.

However, Lost in Time and the next book, The Gates of Paradise, were released after I'd read the series originally so they're completely new to me. It's probably quite shameful, but I genuinely can't wait to find out how it ends.

3) The Universe Versus Alex Woods by Gavin Extence

Gavin Extence? That cannot be a real name...

I have now learnt that it is impossible to spend a day with Charlotte without coming away with the vague feeling that you really should read The Universe Versus Alex Woods. She's clever like that.

Luckily I already own it and didn't have to add it to the huge pile of books that I did buy yesterday. Small mercies and all that. 

4) Moby Duck: The True Story of 28,800 bath Toys Lost at Sea by Donovan Hohn

When Donovan Hohn first heard the remarkable story of how 28,904 bath toys spilled into the Pacific en route to the US from China and have been washing up along beaches throughout the world ever since, he decided to find out more...

Yup. I am more than a little excited about reading a book about some plastic ducks in the sea. So sue me.

It's also a book about ocean currents, beachcombers, lost currents and hopefully, not a whole lot of fish.

5) One Day by David Nicholls

Another Charlotte recommendation, but I've had so many people tell me to read this now that it's almost irrelevant.

Look, I know I should read this. I know it will probably be amazing. Go check out my other TBR lists and you'll see that I know this - Spring, Summer, Autumn, December. Seriously, that's how many times I've planned to read this.

Summer 2013 though! This time it will happen!

6) Sing You Home by Jodi Picoult

It's been a while since I read a Jodi Picoult book. I find that I tend to either adore or dislike her books; there's not much of a middle ground here. My Sister's Keeper broke me into several little pieces, but then it took me weeks to drag myself through Keeping Faith.

I was fascinated by the premise of Sing You Home as soon as I heard it though, and I do tend to prefer the legal-ish ones, so I'm sure we'll get along just fine :) 

7) The Art Forger by R.A. Shapiro
I want to read this an awful, awful lot but the problem is that it's just too pretty. It's hardback, lovely and in perfect condition and that means that I daren't actually take it anywhere. No handbags, no suitcases, no rucksacks.

As I won't read more than one book at once, I'm thus pretty much confined to reading it over a weekend when I don't plan on actually leaving the house. Whilst I'd love that to be the case every weekend, in reality it rarely happens. The second it does there, I'm in there with The Art Forger!

8) A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving

This book has been on pretty much every list of Books You Should Read that I've ever seen. While that's not a good reason to read a book in itself, it's also been recommended by friends (online and offline) that I trust.

Honestly, I can't even remember what this is about, which is terrible when I'm including it on my Summer TBR. Ah well, I've been meaning to read it for a while now and this Summer is as good a time as any.

I do remember being quite scared of the weight and tiny font, but I shall persevere!

9) The Book of Tomorrow by Cecelia Ahern

I'm reading my first Cececlia Ahern book, One Hundred Names, as we speak (well, not literally - a) we're not speaking, you're just skimming my typed drivel and b) I'm not physically reading it this second as I'd be typing one-handed while not looking at the keyboard, probably dropping the book every two minutes...) and I have to say that I'm pleasantly surprised.

I'm not really sure what I was expecting, but it's actually quite unique. Charlotte (I'll stop name-dropping soon, I swear) assures me that The Book of Tomorrow is just as much quirky fun, so now I can't wait to read it!

10) Good Wives by Louisa May Alcott

Can you believe I've never read this? I've read Little Women a whole bunch of times, but then I've never made it onto Good Wives because I Know What Happens and why would I do that to myself?

I've decided that this Summer will be the one that actually sees me read this book. I may be traumatised and never read another book again, but hey - at least I'll have read Good Wives.

What are your reading plans this Summer?   


  1. Seconding Charlotte's recommendations of The Book of Tomorrow and The World Versus Alex Woods. Both on my favourites shelf.

  2. I think Prayer for Owen Meany is a religiousy type book which put me off. Believe it's boxed up back in my dad's house now.. And think I picked up Bright Young Things for 20p on my Kindle! :)

    1. Is it? Oh damn it. Although I probably should have guessed by the word 'prayer,' to be fair.

      You read The End of Mr Y, right? Have you read any others?

  3. Iiiiiinteresting. I still haven't read One Day either, so YOU ARE NOT ALONE. And yes, she whose name begins with C tried to make me buy it on Tuesday even though I already have it... I must also read Alex Woods because... Charlotte bought it for me for my birthday and says it's awesome. I'm sensing a theme here. OUR TRUE ENABLER HAS BEEN PINPOINTED. :P

    Read Moby Duck so I know whether to buy it. Read Good Wives; from what I remember the book version of the Trauma is nowhere near as heartstring-tugging as the movie version. I think I might have shed a tear or two but... y'know, there was no stirring music playing, which always helps. I'm really tempted to make my own list now - I can do lists - but chances are I'd probably only read ONE at this rate. And my allegiances keep switching thanks to the ongoing book cull hanging over my shelves. Hmmmm. *goes to make a cup of tea and thinks about it*

    1. Uh oh...I have been RUMBLED! *scuttles off to hide*

    2. I KNOW. She's a sneaky one though, trying to blame ME and everything... I feel vindicated, at last!

      Funnily enough, Bex said that today - that the book Good Wives is less traumatic than the film. Weird, it's usually the other way round, although I think maybe she mentioned the lack of music too. Unless I'm confusing you in my head... oh, I don't know anymore!

      Eh, I don't follow these lists at all. They just make me think happily at all my choices :)

  4. Moby Duck sounds brilliant! How interesting :)


    In my defence, The Universe Versus Alex Woods is just bloody brilliant. I cried but in a way that made me feel better about humanity and it was so uplifting and amazing and I absolutely loved it. Loved it very hard. Hint: Do not read the end on a train. You have been warned!

    One Day is also SO GOOD and I can't believe that neither your nor Ellie have read it yet! The Book of Tomorrow is cute and fun. Not what I was expecting but good and lovely all the same.

    Erm...what else? I'm sold on Blue Bloods - good work! And The Art Forger. Less on A Prayer for Owen Meany, I have to admit. I read and liked Cider for Rosie (or something like that!) but it wasn't so good that I'm absolutely convinced that I want to get hold of anything else that Irving has written. I don't know...meh...

    1. You have no defence. I've filed for summary judgment.

      But yes, I really do want to read it. I bought it when I went crazy in Waterstones to cheer me up. Surprisingly, I have actually read TWO of the books already from that splurge. Crazy, I know.

      Turns out I REALLY liked that Cecelia Ahern review book, One Hundred Names. It is a bit twee, but it's quite unique too. Definitely going to look at her other stuff, but I already own The Book of Tomorrow! Soon, I swear!


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