Tuesday 18 June 2013

Shoe Save #2: Irregular Choice Scottie Dog and a Blogger Meet-Up!

I have a lot to talk about with this post, but I figured we may as well get the shoes out of the way first. As a quick reminder:

From tomorrow, from the 14th June 2013, I have one year to wear all of my shoes. Any pair I haven't worn by 13th June 2014, will be binned.   

These are my ultimate favourite pair of shoes. Honestly, if I had to save one pair from a burning building, it would be an easy choice. I only wish I could make that choice so easily with books...

Anyway, they're quirky, very comfortable and have been known to make small children stop in the street to point at them (but I like them anyway, ha!). 

Everybody, meet... my Scottie Dog heels!
Irregular Choice grey Scottie Dog shoes

Irregular Choice make some quite... odd shoes, but they also make some simply amazing ones. There are these, but then I also have some with little plastic robots attached and another pair with unicorns and pink ribbon. I swear, I'm not making this up.

If you look closely at the photo below, you can see that the dog on one shoe has an orange leash that carries on and matches up to the bow on the other shoe.

Yeah, you can't actually see that at all, can you? Ah well.

This post is especially important because these are the shoes that I wore when I met Charlotte and Ellie today! I feel like a should put that on a plaque and create a special frame just to preserve the moment...

I sound sarcastic (in general, actually) but I actually had an amazing day. I knew Ellie was a great person to talk to because I've met her before, but not only can I now put a face to the Lit Addicted Brit, I also now know that she's great fun as well. I love them both so much, especially Ellie who traipsed all the way up from Derbyshire to see us.

We ate too much food and bought too many books, naturally. And blamed each other for the afore-mentioned books. Actually, that's not quite right, is it? Everybody blamed me for the afore-mentioned books! *goes off to a corner to cry*

I got really excited about the bottom book in the pile, Shooting Victoria: Madness, Mayhem, and the Rebirth of the British Monarchy, by Paul Thomas Murphy. It's been on my wishlist for absolutely ages, but was too expensive even second-hand. When I saw it for £5 in Netflix today, I actually did a little squeal and explained to Ellie and Charlotte at great length how happy this event made me. Oops.

I think The Works was our downfall. You know it's bad when a staff member approaches you and asks if you need a basket. 

"Do you need a basket there, miss?"
"Oh no, I'm fine. Thank you though."
*glances down at armload of books*
"Are you sure? I can, like, go get you one..."

And then I had to buy a canvas bag to actually put them in, but the space between the end of my arms and the floor ended up being smaller than the bag, so I pretty much dragged it behind me like a child for the remainder of the day.

So that was my day and those were my shoes. Just a quick shout-out to Charlotte and Ellie to remind them that I want to snuggle them to bits for an awesome day today, and now I'm off to put away my millions of new books!

Click here to read about my Shoe Challenge!


  1. I still have Shooting Victoria on my review pile. Sounds amazing but it is so big and scary looking.

    1. I know you have - I wanted it in the first place because I saw it on your blog :)

  2. THE SISTERS BROTHERS, THE SISTERS BROTHERS!!! Yes, I can pick it out of a book line-up.

    Also, Irregular Choice shoes are my favourite to look at in shops before I put them down and go and buy another pair of converse. So, eeeeeeeee Scottie dogs!

    1. *whispers* I totally made her buy The Sisters Brothers. She actually said the words, "Oh no, I don't want to read that" and was about to put it back and I was all like "STOP! IT'S AWESOME!" And the rest is book-buying history. :P

    2. You should so buy some, Laura. These are the comfiest pair of shoes I own and I wear them all the time. Although they fit quite large, so try them on first.

      And yes, that's pretty much exactly what happened. And SHE calls ME an enabler!

      Hanna: No, I do not want this.
      Ellie: Yes, you do!
      Hanna: I do? Oh, okay then.

      Oddly enough, I'm actually really looking forward to The Sisters Brothers now!

  3. I love book shopping with online book friends. I had a similar trip once. There were six of us (and a husband) for lunch and shopping. I traveled four hours to get there but the couple came from out of state

    1. From out of state? Oh wow. In England we think an hour on a train is a long time... Although it does only take five hours to get from one end of the country to another :p

  4. I love those shoes... and your outfit! They go perfectly together!!

  5. Those shoes are the cutest! I need such whimsy on my feet IMMEDIATELY.

    1. You do. Go buy them :)

      I shall await news of your purchase.

      GO GO GO! :D

  6. Crying in a corner... pffft... WITH GLEE, MAYBE. :P

    You and Charlotte are awesome. The Works is awesome. Your shoes are awesome. Watching you pull a giant bag of books round HMV's floor was awesome. Getting the giggles was awesome. The chocolate marshmallows were awesome. Getting in the shower when I got home was awesome (THAT TRAIN!).

    I'm totally emailing you later about all the awesomeness, actually. *yawns quietly and digs into bag of jellybeans* :)

    1. If there was ever a time to use 'awesome' so many times in one comment, it was here :) I do, however, dispute the awesomeness of the big-ass bag!

      How are your jellybeans? As yummy as they looked in the shop?

    2. I picked my 'I must try these' flavours well, I think. Special mention to the caramel apple flavour, which actually does manage to taste of caramel AND apple AT THE SAME TIME. Oh, and the cantaloupe melon flavour, which is possibly even nicer than watermelon EVEN THOUGH I DON'T LIKE REAL MELON THAT MUCH.

      I want to do a post and everything, but I have zero energy right now. I think I used it all up buying books. *wilts and reaches for coffee mug* *stops and smushes Hanna and Charlotte first* *back to the coffee*

  7. Awwwwww! It was SO MUCH FUN! And it's so nice to actually have met you both (and that my face is no longer a mystery!) and to have got to spend AGES wandering about with you :)

    Our performance in The Works was epic - even though the stuffed overly-long canvas bag was entertaining, the basket moment was my favourite!

    I can't believe you got home and posted a review AND this! I got home and did some boring domestic-y things and then flopped onto the sofa to start The 5th Wave (which, by the way, is so far brilliant!).

    There must be more meeting up in the future!!! :)

    1. Funny how both yours and Ellie's favourite moments involve me looking like an idiot :p Either baskets or bags, either way I'm not going to win!

      Oh please, I totally didn't. I'd written the review the night before and it just needed checking over (which I Did Not Do, so it's pretty bad) and I blasted this out whilst still on my Charlotte-and-Ellie high :)

      Definitely more meeting. I had assumed that was a given!

    2. Aaah yes. Not only does Charlotte now have a face, but I'm definitively Not A Man. EVERYTHING IS OKAY IN THE LAND OF BLOGGER MEET-UPS. :)

      When I got home I staggered into the bathroom for a shower, staggered downstairs for a cuppa, and nearly fell asleep in my dinner. I think I watched 2 Broke Girls for a bit because I would have fallen asleep on my book FOR SURE. The fact that you two managed ANYTHING blog/bookish after that shopping marathon is amazing...

  8. Too much food and too many books is the PERFECT way to spend time with fellow bloggers! Sounds like an awesome time :-)

    And adorable shoes, of course ;-)

  9. LOVE the shoes (I got giraffe socks today) and the books! And am just a little jealous that I couldn't make it. :) Stupid Wales *grumbles* If I was in Leicester I would have SO been there!

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