Monday 20 August 2012

Bout of Books Wrap-Up

Bout of Books Read-a-Thon
I know I say this every time, but I just can't believe how quickly this week has gone. I didn't get as much read as I wanted to, but I think that's because I ended up picking reasonably heavy books.

My goal list is here, but the gist is that I wanted to get through three books from my TBR and write/post three reviews.

Here's what I ended up reading - 

That's The Gunslinger by Stephen King, Jurassic Park: The Lost World by Michael Crichton, Bumped by Megan McCafferty and then a little of Theft of Swords by Michael J. Sullivan. 

Click here for my update post, but in case you can't be bothered, that's 1231 pages!

Oh. I actually thought I'd done really badly, but that's nearly as many as my last Bout of Books total of 1330. I think that because my first two books were kind of heavy I didn't progress nearly as fast as I thought I should have. As you can see from my update post, I got much more read over the weekend when I enjoyed my books more.

It doesn't help that I've not been overly well lately - my BiPap machine is broken and I've been given some physiotherapy exercises that tend to leave me in a miserable heap on the floor, which is hardly conducive to reading. That said, I really enjoyed two of the books I read and it did cheer me up a lot :)

As for my other goal of three reviews - I didn't quite make it, but I sort of did, kind of. I got two actual reviews up, for The Fault in Our Stars and King Solomon's Mines, but then I got an In My Mailbox post up as well. Doing those can often seem like a bit of a chore, so it's a post up at least! 

On the whole, I'm happy with this week and I absolutely cannot wait to read more of Theft of Swords. It's not much more than I'd read in a normal week, but keeping track of it with you all makes me happy :) I'll see you all at the next read-a-thon!

So how did you do this week? Did you achieve your reading goals or did life get in the way?


  1. Life got in the way but i managed to read more than my goal so first experience it was really motivating.
    Now i read a lot but like you i read more when it was books i liked^^ i read only 1chick lit and that took more time than the rest ( i should have read another one but i couldn't stand one more at that time) so it was mostly paranormal romance and ya

  2. Awesome job! You did get a lot read :-) And I hope that you're feeling a little better :-/

  3. 1,231 pages?! Impressive!! :)

    The Gunslinger has slipped further down my pile this week. I had in my head that it would be quite easy to read because of how short it is but clearly not so much. I'm excited when I see Theft of Swords because I keep confusing it with Prince of Thorns. In my head, I own Theft. In real life, I do not own Theft. It's confusing! I think it's because I've nearly bought it in Waterstones loads of times but never actually got round to it, which is obviously stupid. I got a Waterstones voucher from my work friends so maybe this will be one of the ones I get with that! How exciting...

    And boooo to anything that leaves you in a heap on the floor. Enough said.

    1. Yeah, I really wasn't impressed with The Gunslinger. It was such an EFFORT to read. Apparently it picks up with the next book, but... eh. I don't think I'll be reading them anytime soon. Lewis loves them though.

      Theft of Swords, on the other hand, is amazing. I got it from the library, but I'm definitely going to buy a copy. Adult fantasy about thieves and assassins, come on! :D I shall stalk sit outside Waterstones for days on end, watching and waiting for someone to pick it up and then I SHALL POUNCE. Hopefully it will be you... If not, oh well :D

      Apparently my pain drugs make me creepy and stalkerish, who knew?

  4. Glad you considered the week a success. That's the most important part. Hope to see you at Bout-of-Books 6.0 in January ;)

  5. Oh, great books :D Bumped seems interesting ;) Hope you'll enjoy them all. <3
    Thank you for commenting on my mailbox. <3
    Love, Carina @ Carina's Books


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