Thursday 9 August 2012

Bout Of Books Read-a-thon Post!

Bout of Books Read-a-Thon

It's that time again! I had such a good time with the Bout of Books Read-a-thon a couple of months ago that I just had to sign up again. I know there have been a fair few other read-a-thons going on lately, but I have to admit that none of them have really grabbed me. 

Still, I know that I get along just fine with Bout of Books and I've been in a bit of a reading slump lately so maybe this will persuade me to get back into those books! I don't usually have reading slumps though, so it could just be the fairly stodgy couple of books I was reading at the time, but we'll see!

Join us!

The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, August 13th and runs through Sunday, August 19th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure, and the only reading competition is between you and your usual number of books read in a week. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 5.0 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog.  
                                -From the Bout of Books 5.0 team 


I feel like I've been bogged down quite a lot with library books, review copies and challenge reads lately, so I'm liking the idea of just choosing my own books of my shelves. With that in mind, I don't really want to set too concrete a goal list so I can enjoy this read-a-thon to its full capacity.
I'm going to aim for three books during the week, possibly from the following:


 These are the books on my shelves that I'm most anticipating. I picked my first free-choice book off my shelf today (Red Glove by Holly Black) and I'm loving it, so I'm really looking forward to just reading whatever the hell I want!

I've also fallen behind a little with reviews, due to my general all-encompassing slump, so I'd like to get the following three reviews up - 

  • Counselling for Toads by Robert de Board
  • King Solomon's Mines by H. Rider Haggard
  • Red Glove by Holly Black 
 Wish me luck!


  1. I am really excited to get going on this read-a-thon. I hope to get some books read (at least 4).

    Here is my
    Bout of Books

  2. You have a great lineup. Best of luck.

  3. I really want to read Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me. It sounds awesome. I think you should read that one!:-p seriously though, reading from your own shelves sounds like a great plan - it's so easy to get caught up in what you *should* be reading and forget about what you want to!

    Also, yay! I'm so glad you signed up :-D

    1. I wouldn't have signed up at all if I hadn't been reminded about it by your post!

      I really want to read Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? I fell in love with the US Office despite loathing the UK version and apparently Mindy Kaling has written for a ton of other shows too :)

  4. YAY, all my homegirls are going to TOTALLY ROCK THIS READ-A-THON! I'll just, er, sit in the corner wearing a snail outfit and plodding on quietly... :)

    Some fantabulous books there m'dear, I might hit up Stephen King and/or The Pirate Captain meself (arrrrr). Though technically I guess I should be prioritising some of my hardback books since WE'RE MOVING AT LAST! Good luck, I'll be a-stalking you with the best of 'em!

    1. Yay, I've never been anyone's homegirl before! Do I get a shiny badge!? :D

      You're moving!? That's awesome! The house sold then?

  5. Hey i'm doing this read a thon too :) and i'm a new follower !
    I haven't read any of these books but I hope you'll enjoy reading them ! I heard good things about This is not a test I can't wait to see your review about it!
    Good luck and have fun !

  6. I am also participating in this readathon. I really loved A Mango Shaped Space and I want to read Everyone Hanging Out Without Me and Death Comes to Pemberley . I hope you have fun and enjoy your books! :)

    1. Oh awesome - I'd never heard any opinions of A Mango Shaped Space before, so it's good to know it's worth a read!

  7. I'm can't quite decide whether I want to join this (although admittedly the fact that you and Ellie are doing it does make me more keen...)! Because I really did enjoy it last time but this time it coincides with my birthday so I'm pretty sure that I'm not going to get to read that much and that I'll just end up feeling disappointed...perhaps that's over-thinking a Read-A-Thon!!

    Top choices! I have Gunslinger out of the library and really want to read it (but then never seem to start it) and I also have This Is Not A Test that I'm excited about! I promise that if I do join this, I'll make different choices :-p


      Cause, you know, we don't do that anyway. But it would be like a weird new freaky book thing! Kind of. *coughs*

      I REALLY want to read This Is Not A Test though - it's at the top of my mental Books I Want To Read But Hey, I Probably Won't list.

    2. I'm hiding this confession in amongst a comment stream that you probably won't see: I've put This Is Not A Test on my looks so good and it just JUMPED off my shelf on to my bedside table! *ahem*...

      I'm not sure that we need any more freaky book things, do we? Pfft...what am I saying?! There will NEVER be too many freaky book things!

  8. I read Shutter Island last year and really enjoyed it! It wasn't my usual kind of book, but I watched the movie and then wanted to read the book so I could compare the two. I've heard great things about This Is Not a Test too, so I hope you enjoy it!

    Good luck with your goals!

    1. I'm doing pretty much the same thing with Shutter Island too. I haven't seen the film YET, but my boyfriend was raving about it. I refuse to watch it unil I've read the book though!!

  9. Ohh you have a lot of fun looking books up there - good luck on your goals!

  10. *Applauds all the books* *well, the ones I've read anyway* My thought is, read The Gunslinger and then ALL of The Dark Tower, and you'll destroy your 3 book goal and read 7! (This may be slightly ambitious, considering I read all 7 in like a month, not a week... but I have faith in you!)

    1. Good job seven books in a week is obviously a completely achievable goal, right Laura? :)

      Although it makes me slightly keener knowing that you liked them!

  11. Yay! So glad you're joining us again and what a great list of books ;) Good luck and have fun!

  12. I hope you enjoy This is Not a Test! It's a different look at the zombie genre. I also hope Shutter Island is better than the movie. Ha. Enjoy!

    1. Really? I heard great things about the film! Ah well, the only way to decide is to read/watch them I guess!

  13. I'm making September a "me month", especially with RCCleanup forcing me to pick up review books this month. Bout of Books is falling on a bad week for me but I'll make an effort to join in a bit.

    1. Oh that's a good idea! Review, challenge and library books have been stressing me out a bit lately, so I'm just going to relax and read whatever the hell I want for a bit.

  14. Nice selection! I really enjoyed Mindy Kaling's book and it was a quick read. Good luck with your goals!

  15. Great picks! I really liked Mindy Kaling's book! And This is Not a Test!! I should've put that one on my list!

    Enjoy all your reading and good luck with your goals!

  16. I'm exactly the same as you! I took part in almost all of the readathons but -with the exception of one- I didn't get much reading done. AND I'm in a reading slump as well so I decided to put my review books aside and read my own books.

    Enjoy your books and best of luck! :)
    Here aremy goals and book choices

  17. Great goals! Hope you're having fun =D

  18. this sounds brilliant and I really loved Dear Dylan so I am definitely looking forward to this one!
    gatwick to w2 | luton to w2


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