Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Random Reads #2 - Telling Tales by Melissa Katsoulis

I still think this is the best meme I've ever seen. Ever. I'd gladly do it every single week!

The idea is to read one book, picked completely at random, off your TBR shelf. This is absolutely brilliant for me, as I have a huge TBR that never seems to go down and it doesn't help that I have so many review books waiting to be read!

Want to join in?

It’s easy…
  1. If you’re on Goodreads enable sorting to your to-read shelf (you should see numbers next to each book now).
  2. Go to Random.org and type in the Min as 1 and the Max as how many ever books are on your to-read shelf.
  3. Scroll down to the book matching the number Random.org picks.
  4. Link up to your Random Reads post by clicking on the banner above.
If you’re not on Goodreads just pick a random book from your list in whatever way you want to do it. You can use the method I used above or even just close your eyes and point randomly at a book on your bookshelf if you want (spin the bottle style). 

I spun 89, so that means my Random Read for May 2012 is... Telling Tales: A History of Literary Hoaxes by Melissa Katsoulis!

This is perfect actually - I borrowed it from the library way back in January, so I'm amazed they're still letting me renew it! At least now I have a reason to get it read instead of adding it to the huge pile of books returned because I ran out of time :)

See what Random Read I read in April or join the meme here.


  1. I totally failed at this one last month and this month it picked Clockwork Angel which.. meh. Not yet. So I won't bother right now!

    1. Somehow this really, really works for me! I know it goes against all my 'I want to read what I WANT' rants, but somehow this makes me actually want to read what it chooses.

      It helps that I want to read the book though... I might not have been so content if it picked Clockwork Angel. Which it could have, as that IS on my TBR. Or Fallen. Yiiick.

    2. UGH! God. Fallen's on mine as well. The pick last month was a dystopian, but a teen dystopian with romance and .. meh. Not yet. And Clockwork Angel I *do* want to read but not now. Right now I want to read the first Wheel of Time book which is promising but might have to steer that to Clash of Kings.

  2. Wow, since January? I'm surprised you're able to still have it too. My library gives us three weeks and we can renew up to two times if it doesn't have a hold on it, so at max nine weeks.

    But hey, I'm glad you picked that one then, very cool. And I'm glad you enjoy the meme, I'm really loving it too and I'm happy to see so many people joining in. :)

    ♥ Sarah @ I'm Loving Books

    1. Well my library has a similar rule (although we can renew it three times) but for some reason it's just let me keep going. I've checked on-site and online and it just keeps smiling at me, so...

      I do enjoy this meme! I got so excited at the end of April knowing it was nearly time for a new pick! True story. *is a sad act*

    2. I did a little actually.. until Clockwork Angel at which point I went with "meh!" I have a stash I'd MUCH rather dig into :D

  3. Hi! I'm an old gfc follower of yours. :)
    I'm sorry to bother you, but if you have time, Would you please visit my blog and follow me back?


  4. Your library is so cool hehe, good luck with your reading!

    My Random Reads @ Oh My Books!

  5. I'm with Hannah, still haven't read my pick from last month. I think as soon as I have to read something I do everythign I can to not read it. Good thing I'm not still at school!


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