Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Bout of Books Read-a-Thon Mini-Challenge 2

Bout of Books Read-a-Thon

PART TWO: Answer all of these "this or that" questions.

Physical book or eBook?
Physical. I have a Kindle but I always prefer 'proper' books.
Paperback or Hardcover?
Paperback - they're lighter and less sharp. What can I say, I'm a weakling.
Reality or Make-believe?
Make believe. I like me some wizards!
Adult or Young-Adult?
I'll read either but I usually prefer adult.
Dog ears or Bookmarks?
I won't even dignify this with an answer.
Breaking the spine or Barely open the book? 
Neither. It's perfectly possible to open the book and still NOT break the spine!
Tea or Coffee?
Reading in bed or On the couch?
Couch, if I could.
 Series or Standalone?
Original or TV Adaptation?
*snarls* Original. Always original.
 Defy motion sickness or Audiobooks?
I don't get motion sickness - I used to read in the car all the time when I was little and now I always read on trains. Not really a fan of audiobooks though.
Author crushes or Who-was-that-guy-again?
Who-was-that-guy-again!? I love this question.
Interview or Guest post?
Guest post.


  1. *adds magic wand to her mental image of herself sitting on Hanna's mantlepiece swinging her legs and eating chocolate buttons*

    This is getting better and better by the day! :D

  2. I only seem to get car sick in London traffic, think it's all the stopping and starting! Am fine on the motorway reading. I like the idea of audio books but my mind always wanders.


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