Thursday 6 October 2011

The Time Will Come #9

This is a Thursday meme hosted by Jodie at Books For Company to shine a light on those books we've had on our TBR piles so long that they're practically part of the furniture. To join in, just post about a book you've been really meaning to read and then hop on over here and link up. I love looking at everyone else's TBR piles, so you can see a full list of the other participants over there too.

 I read The Scarlet Pimpernel back in March-ish of this year and adored it - it's easily one of the best books I've read all year. However, until I'd finished it, I had absolutely no idea that it was part of a series by Baroness Orczy that contains thirteen books. Thirteen! I was desperate to read the rest of the series, but after hunting high and low for the second one, I assumed they were all out of print and moved on to obsess over other books.

Not so. For some completely logical and fathomable reason, only the second book is out of print. Books three to thirteen? Not a problem. Available in any good bookstore near you. So why on earth would you choose a random book and take up a personal vendetta against it, deciding that that novel and that novel only would be unobtainable to the general public? Argh!

The League of the Scarlet Pimpernel (pictured) is actually the third book in the series and it's been on my TBR for a few months now. Various reviews have assured me that it's not necessary to have read the second book... but it's the principle of the thing, you know?


  1. That sucks about the second book! I've found that hard to find books might pop up on BookMooch, though :) Hope you get to read the series soon! Happy reading!

  2. That's weird about the second book! I hate reading a series out of sequence. I hope you enjoy this book when you finally get around to reading it. x


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