Sunday 11 September 2011

In My Mailbox #12

Even though I've only ever finished one of Ms Picoult's books before (My Sister's Keeper, which I loved - the review is here) and I have two of her other books on my TBR, it didn't stop me from picking this one up for 75p from the second-hand book stall on the market. I wasn't even supposed to be book shopping but I saw Picture Perfect as I dashed past and just had to pick it up.

It's strange - My Sister's Keeper is one of my all-time favourite books, but I couldn't finish The Pact or Salem Falls. Hopefully I'll have better luck with this one!

Both of these are swaps on ReaditSwapit.

I have Uglies on my TBR from when I swapped for that a few weeks ago. I haven't read it yet, but when another user offered me a swap and had Pretties on my list, I figured I may as well grab the sequel when I had the chance!

I'm going through a bit of a gender differences phase lately - a fair few of my TBR books are non-fiction analyses of male and female behavioural patterns. God forbid I read something relating to my own degree, right?

It's strange, but I never seem to borrow classics from the library. I don't know if it's because I can pick them up cheap in stores or because I'd just rather own them, but this is the first time I've ever done it.

I really enjoyed Lady Chatterley's Lover when I read it a few months ago (my review is here, but possibly 13+) so when I saw this tiny little book in Sheffield Library's classics section, I figured I'd give it a go.


  1. Ooh, very interesting books! Pretties & Delusions of Gender look interesting.

    I find Jodi Picoult's books hit or miss.. some I liked (Nineteen Minutes) and some were just not that enjoyable (something about a red circle..? Can't remember the name)

    Here's my IMM!

  2. Overall I enjoyed the Uglies series, although I don't think Pretties is as good as the first the next two were better for me. And that's my first time seeing that cover for Pretties. It's interesting and I see where they got the idea, but I don't think it quite fits the overall story.

  3. @justalillost - I'm exactly the same with Jodi Picoult. I either love them or can't get through them. Wish me luck! Was it Tenth Circle maybe? That rings a bell.

    @Shoshanah - I think I prefer these covers - the one for Uglies has a load of discarded Barbie parts and I thought that was pretty good.

  4. Oooh! I've heard fantastic things about Delusions of's definitely on my TBR list!

    Great reads :)


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