Friday 29 July 2011

I Have To Own This #2

I'm a sucker for book-related merchandise, I admit it. I'm also a sucker for desperately wanting something and then not being able to locate the link when payday finally rolls round. So this semi-regular post will hopefully have the dual-purpose of filling you all with bookish lust and allowing me to find the damn things if (read: when) I've decided that I can't possible live without them.

This might end up being slightly longer than normal as it's my birthday on the 4th and I've spent far too long this morning looking at bookish loot to buy afterwards :)

I nearly spat my Dr Pepper out when I saw these. InBook takes hardack editions of the classics (mostly) and turns them into a fully working iPod/iPhone charging station! How clever is that? The two above are book editions I actually own - Jane Eyre on the left and Pride and Prejudice on the right. 

These would look amazing laid on a book shelf; you couldn't ask for a more discreet charging system! They're not cheap - they're both $52 or about £32.68 - but in my opinion they're so worth it. Those particular ones can be found here and here.

This is Advaced Potion-Making, as recommended by Professor Horace Slughorn for his Potions students. Well, it's not, but it is a fully make-up book using old science and mathematic books. I'd love to get a look inside this one!

It's £15.21 from Elizanders and can be found here. Hell, I spend more than that on mass-produced, non-Pottery therefore more boring books every week.

 I know that anybody who has set foot even vaguely near a book-shop selling gifts will have seen this before, but I really like it. It features one of my favourite bookish quotes and is more than reasonably priced at £9.50 here.

 Right. So I will never, ever use this. I understand that. Yet I want it regardless.

I'll hang my head in shame and admit that I hate lending books. The only way you're leaving my house with a book is if I've previously inspected your hands for cleanliness, sprayed you with Dettol and extracted a signed declaration that you will not open it too far and therefore Break The Spine (so sacriligious it needed capital letters). 

So the chances of me ever needing a Personal Library Kit are admittedly rather slim. But, although I may be a Book Nazi... I'm also an Organisational Nazi. Who wouldn't want to stamp each book when it's loaned out and issue the borrower with a check-out card!?

Oh right. The rest of the world. Sorry... 


  1. Those book chargers are rad. I had to read your post twice just to comprehend the awesomeness. I need that in like all my books. My phone would probably always be charged.

  2. Love that last one! I would probably use it myself! I'm almost to the point where I simply won't lend books out either - the last lot came back (and not all of them came back) with sticky junk all over them, which just boiled my brain!

  3. @Julie - See, I like the THEORY of lending books out - there are loads of people I know who I have the perfect book for, but I don't know... I like to get them back in the condition I lent them out in, and that very rarely happens!


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