Friday 29 July 2011

Book Blogger Hop #4

"Highlight one book you have received this week (for review, from the library, purchased at the store, etc.) that you can't wait to dig into!"

This is difficult because I've been psychotically over-book-buying this week - I've recived so many that Sunday's IMM is going to be longer than my University disseration (but hopefully more interesting...).

I think I'm going to choose Ill Met By Moonlight by Mercedes Lackey. It must be an obscure little book, because I'd never heard of it and Mercedes Lackey is one of my ultimate favourite authors.

Amazon - 'This title shows the sixteenth century England: a nation at a fatal fork in time, leading to two possible futures. Either an evil queen will join forces with the Inquisition and rule with a blood-spattered iron hand, threatening humans and elves alike - or a benevolent queen named Elizabeth will rule wisely and well. But the evil Unseleighe Sidhe are determined that the little girl Elizabeth shall never grow up to take the throne. Opposing them are the good Sidhe of elfland, including Denoriel, who has already foiled one attempt against Elizabeth, almost at the cost of his own life. But a few years have passed, and Denoriel still guards the young princess, now eight years old, secure in the knowledge that his enemy Vidal, leader of the evil Unseleighe, is dead. Unfortunately, he is wrong: Vidal was wounded almost fatally, but now his recovery is complete, and he has set in motion a plan to bring about a new dark age of which Denoriel is dangerously unaware...  '

Doesn't it sound strange? Anyway, my Mum rolled up at my door brandishing this book she'd found while sorting out her shelves and it made her think of me. Everybody that has even passed me in the street knows about my obsession with Elizabeth I and my love for older fantasy books, so I can't believe this one slipped under the radar. 


  1. I'm kinda glad I posted my hops before this one was up - I can't choose!! Maybe the Hunger Games but then.. Dream Eaters and Boneshaker look awesome too :|

  2. Hey! GFC follower, and love your blog! i'm hosting a giveaway today for my stop on the hop! hope you will come by, follow me, and enter! =]

  3. Interesting!

    Here's my Book Blogger Hop and Follow Friday for this week:
    BBH and FF: Bonjour! Enchanté! ¡Buenos días!
    And I hope you will stop in to throw your hat into the ring for my July Giveaway! Win a $25 Amazon gift card!

  4. I'll have to ask my husband if he's read it. He's also a Lackey fan. I've posted a picture of an adorable baby pickle. It's an illustration from the book I'm highlighting. Please come see what book I'm reading!

  5. Hooray for your mom finding that book for you. Hope you enjoy it!

  6. What an interesting-sounding book! Taking from the Many Worlds theory, it sounds like, but putting some faerie folk in the mix!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. New follower! Really interesting book choice! :)

    Amanda Welling
    Hippies, Beauty, and Books. Oh My!

  9. I’m seeing a lot of single answer responses with Twilight being by far the most popular choice. I really must analyze all the elements of that series that send girls ga-ga. Such studies are a part of the never-ending "code breaking” we males need to continuously execute to understand and relate with the fairer sex.

    I’ve cracked about 80% of the code. I will continue cracking the code until I reach 100% success. Then I’ll write a book for men and become a billionaire overnight.


    I’ve got four different series I can read over and over again. Three of them were written by deceased authors and three of them are fantasy adventures.

    Follow me back to my blog at and find out how far off the beaten track I’ve gone with my favorite book series!

    Thank God it’s Follow Friday!

    Howard Sherman


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