Tuesday 14 January 2014

The Valentine's Ninja Book Swap!

Welcome to the third Ninja Book Swap, run by Bex at An Armchair by the Sea and myself. We had such a great response in July and October that we decided (it didn't take much deliberation, we admit) it's going to be a thrice yearly event - Valentine's, Summer and Halloween. This, in case you haven't guessed, is the Valentine's version!

For those who didn't participate last time (and why not?!) the basic idea behind it is that everybody who wants to participate is matched up with somebody else and sends them a parcel containing a couple of books from their wishlists, plus a card and a little present of some description.

Sound good? Want to join in? Of course you do! Here's what you do:

  • Send us an email at ninjabookswap(at)outlook(dot)com. You are very welcome to sign up for one of each, or two of one, but please send us two separate emails as it's easier to keep everything straight that way! You need to send us you sign up email by 30th January. 
  • In the email/s we need the following information: your name, address, blog link, wishlist link, list of likes and dislikes (e.g. I like chocolate, bookmarks, and Harry Potter, I dislike pink things, sparkly things, dogs), and whether you're willing to send internationally (or would prefer not to).
  • We will then match you up with your swappee and send you the information on February 1st. You then need to do your shopping, make a lovely parcel and send it out no later than February 10th. Please be sure to get proof of postage.
  • Once you have sent your parcel please send us an email letting us know, and another email when you have received your parcel. This is so that we can make sure that nobody is left out.  
If you'd like to post about what you get that would be great - once the parcels start arriving we'll put up a post where you can link up your posts as well. You can follow us @ninjabookswap on Twitter, where we'll post reminders and link to everybody's goodies when posts start to go up.

Any questions, e-mail us at the above address... otherwise, we can't wait to hear from you!

Happy swapping!

1 comment:

  1. I am so thrilled to be doing this again! I've sent you my info :)


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