Tuesday 10 December 2013

The End of Year Reading Cram! Day 1 and 2

Day One
Number of Pages Read Today: 39
Total Number of Books Read: 0
Total Pages Read:39
Books: The Virgin Suicides by Jeffrey Eugenides
Reviews: 0

Happy read-a-thon kick-off everybody!
I haven't had the best start to the read-a-thon myself, which is mainly due to this bundle of joy:
This is Lewis' new puppy, Harley. She's not mine, but I've been at his house since she came home on Friday - playing, cleaning, feeding, trying to keep my ankles away from her sharp little teeth... She's a lovely little thing, although her back legs are too big for her so she keeps falling over when she tries to move too fast.
I have got a little bit of reading done while Lewis was at University earlier. Harley was asleep on my feet, so I was able to read without feeling a little 'nip' for attention, bless her. 39 pages is hardly amazing, but then nor is The Virgin Suicides, so we'll call it even.
Crossing my fingers for a slightly better page count for the rest of the read-a-thon!
Day Two

Number of Pages Read Today: 72
Total Number of Books Read: 0.5
Total Pages Read: 111

Books: The Virgin Suicides by Jeffrey Eugenides (59 pages)
A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens (13 pages)
Reviews: 0
A poor day for similar reasons to yesterday - puppy! I did come home today though (about an hour ago, in fact), so I managed to finish The Virgin Suicides on the train. I was so bored with it by the end that I probably would have put it down if I didn't need something to keep me awake. Ah well, it's done now!

I can't wait to start my next book, although I haven't decided what it will be yet. I do need to write a review before I can go to bed although it might end up being a Top Ten Tuesday post instead.

I just stumbled across a review of The Virgin Suicides film. It's a movie? Really!? Well that must be depressing. Also boring. But mainly depressing. It has Kirsten Dunst and James Woods, but what a weird book to make a film out of.

Follow me at @Bookinginheels for more #ReadingCram updates!


  1. I liked the movie, Virgin Suicides, yeah, it was slightly depressing. And such a cute dog!

  2. I haven't read the book yet - but yes, I've seen the movie, multiple times, as a young(ish) teenager. I was a suicidal virgin, so it was sort of like being amongst my people, only with really awful parents. (Mine were definitely not awful, fortunately, hence the whole 'still being alive twelve years later' thing...) I haven't really dared to read OR watch it since!

    P.S. IN HAPPIER COMMENTING NEWS, the second I saw the photo of Harley I had to run in to the office and open your blog on the laptop for Mum, because ZOMG ADORABLE. My mum and dad had a German Shepherd, Belle, from a tiny puppy, all paws and ears, and she was like my big sister when I was a tiny girl! We're very much a cat family now (Belle died when I was about 9), but Mum still gets all gooey-eyed every time she sees a dog that reminds her of her very first baby!


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