Saturday 12 October 2013

Dewey's 24 Hour Read-a-thon!


I am so, so excited for this. Despite having been a book blogger for more than two hours, I have never taken part in a 24 hour read-a-thon. This weekend it's finally time - I'm at home, with no Bar work to do and no boyfriend to entertain. IT IS ON!!!

I have one or two commitments in between (I have to go visit a friend in hospital at 1:30pm - half an hour after it starts!) and I have Lupus/ME and so I refuse to ruin the sleep pattern it's taken me two years to build by staying up 24 hours.... but I'll be here for as much of it as I can!

These are my choices:

But we'll see - I might read something completely different!

I'll be posting updates in blocks of three per post.

Before we start, here's the introductory meme:

1) What fine part of the world are you reading from today?
I'm in West Yorkshire, England. It's drizzly and miserable outside, so it's the perfect day for staying in with a book!

2) Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to?
Out of the books I've posted up there, possibly The Selection. I've heard mixed reviews, but I'm really in the mood for a fun YA today.

3) Which snack are you most looking forward to?
Eh, I'm not really a snacky person. I've just had a nice cup of tea in my Pride and Prejudice mug, so I'm good for a while :)

4) Tell us a little something about yourself!
I'm 24 and passed the Bar this year, which makes me academically qualified to work as a barrister. I specialised in criminal and family law, although right now I'm looking at charity jobs.

5) If you participated in the last read-a-thon, what’s one thing you’ll do different today? If this is your first read-a-thon, what are you most looking forward to?
I didn't! This is my first, so I'm most looking forward to sitting down and reading for aaaaaages without the guilty feeling that I should be doing something productive.


  1. Good luck with your first read-a-thon!!

  2. Readathoning is TOTALLY productive, man. It's all about productive relationships with other people who are as MENTAL as you and want to read for a whole day (or... the whole afternoon and some of the next morning, as I will be doing!) READATHON!

    1. Oh, you're doing it too! YAY! I had no idea :)

      Haha, reading in general is productive! But sometimes I feel like I should be doing Law work for cleaning or something, so it's to know I'm only going to read this evening.

      I'm doing the same as you - afternoon and morning only!

  3. Definitely don't mess up your sleep patterns if you can help it! It totally wouldn't be worth it. I've given up on ever being able to last the full 24 hours, at least until I no longer work on weekends, and even then... I like sleep!

    Warm Bodies is SO GOOD. And I kind of wish I had obtained a copy of that Cathrynne Valente book for this, I've been meaning to try it for a while. I hope it's good!

    1. Exactly! I don't understand ANYBODY who can stay up 24 hours much less anybody who can function competently after that!

      I hope so too :) I got it for my birthday last year and still haven't got round to it.

  4. My favorite thing about the readathon is the unabashed setting aside of time for dedicated reading time. Totally guilt free! Enjoy! :)

  5. "Despite having been a book blogger for more than two hours"... hehe, you've crammed so much into those two hours, though! :P

    Warm Bodies is the awesomest, so I OBVIOUSLY hope you love that one. R's kinda hot and funny, which helps... I really really wanted to do this Dewey but work's bizarrely busy for such a vile dark day, and we're off out for a belated birthday meal for my stepdad tonight, which doesn't help. Maybe by the next one I'll have my weekends back and be able to pull an all-nighter like the days of yore?!

    HAVE FUN, and I'll be a-stalking your progress as usual! *rah rah rah*

  6. I'm so glad that I'm not the only blogger who isn't planning to actually sleep! I mean, you obviously have a proper reason other than just not being a fan of being over-tired but STILL.

    I hope that you love Warm Bodies as much as Ellie and me did - it's fun and so easy to read so it should be perfect read-a-thon fodder. I'm not sure I'm sold on The Selection but maybe I will be by the time you're done!

    Goooooooo HANNA! :)

    1. Not being a fan of being over-tired IS a proper reason :/ I don't understand how anybody could WANT to do that, much less be able to! Even if you managed it, your sleep would be all crazy for a few days and who wants that? I'm loving the little I'm able to do though :)

      Maybe. I've read mixed reviews so I have to be in the mood for it - which I kiiiind of think I am, so GO ME AND THE SELECTION.

    2. I usually hit burnout about four hours before the end if I pull a 24-hourer. Once I've given up I end up just sitting and watch a box set until the end of the day, have a decent meal then go to sleep at about 8pm and spend the next day recovering. I tried it on a one-day-off day once (so, I went to bed early but didn't get the next day to recover) and I was KNACKERED at work. NOT GOOD, HANNA.

  7. Congrats on passing the Bar. I liked The Selection. I hope you do too.

  8. good job passing the bar that must be really exciting for you. This is my first time to and I'm having lots of fun. My mom says that The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland is a good book and you will enjoy it have fun and don't stop reading Team Lion is cheering you on through and through bye and keep those page turning!

  9. good job passing the bar that must be really exciting for you. This is my first time to and I'm having lots of fun. My mom says that The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland is a good book and you will enjoy it have fun and don't stop reading Team Lion is cheering you on through and through bye and keep those page turning!

  10. Happy reading from #TeamLion! Your selection of books looks like fun. I just finished a good YA title. Nice way to start the day.


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