Sunday 13 November 2011

IMM #16

Mornin' all. This is Hanna, coming to you from the freezing cold cupboard that is her boyfriend's poor excuse for a bedroom. If you see this post as a horribly misspelt, unfinished mess, it's because my fingers snapped off halfway through typing and the glue was frozen to the inside of the bottle so I couldn't stick them back on.

So I've actually had a pretty decent week, which is a nice change after the weeks and weeks of new-book-less-ness made necessary by severe lack of funds. I'm quite proud of this week's haul in comparison!

For review:

Alison & Busby Publishers were nice enough to send me a copy of Working Stiff earlier this week, and I've already completely devoured it. I loved it just as much as her other books and you can see my review here.

Dolphin Way was sent to me by Mark Caney, the lovely and oh-so-friendly author himself. I haven't started it yet as I only received it on Friday, but I can't wait to get stuck in!

I was really looking forward to reading Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close, but I stumbled across the film trailer the other day and now I'm not so sure. I know I shouldn't judge a book by it's movie (it's movie trailer, just to make it worse) but even so. Ah well, I'll give it a go sometime soon.

Look, people! I bought books! Well, strictly speaking my Dad bought me books, but I was the one that went all hyper in a book shop in Skipton. Speaking of, for those of you who live in West Yorkshire (which is, uh... one of you, I think) I really recommended going to the Yorkshire Book Clearance Outlet. It's amazing. They have newly released books, older books and classics, all for £2! I may have got slightly over-excited. Anyway, I came home with:

 I was so pleased with these books! The Prestige and Unwind had been on my wishlist for a long-time so I was amazed when I got them for £2 each. The Boy has been nagging me to read The Prestige for a while because he wants to rewatch the film and I refuse to watch it until I've read the book.

I do slightly resent this edition of Pride and Prejudice, because they also released a similar-looking edition of Wuthering Heights with a huge circle that says 'Bella and Edward's favourite book!' It makes no sense for that to irritate me, considering I like Twilight and loathe Wuthering Heights, but it does. I know they're just trying to get young people interested in classics, but they're not even vaguely similar! Grr. Anyway, I collect different editions of Pride and Prejudice so I bought it despite the associated grievances. 


  1. I just started Working Stiff last night. I'm only on page 44 and already in love with it. Think Rachel Caine's going on my favourite authors list :)

  2. Wonderful books. Aren't the some of the covers for the repackaged classics gorgeous? Happy reading.

  3. I didn't know about the big circle on the Wuthering Heights cover, but I actually really like the new packaging of P&P, Wuthering Heights, Romeo and Juliet, etc. Part of what (I think) people find so intimidating about reading the classics is a) the boring covers and b) the incredibly small print on microscopically thin pages, so even I (age 25 with a master's in English) am more inclined to read classics packaged like these. Though I've read all the ones I've seen out so far...

    Anyway, all of that is to say that you have a great haul! I'm curious if the newly packaged classics have been "modernized" in any way other than the covers because if so, then I'm angry! lol

    Happy reading!

  4. @JP - Ah, I didn't know they'd done Romeo and Juliet as well. I see your point about people being more likely to read them, but I feel the opposite - if I'm going to read Pride and Prejudice, I don't want to feel like I'm reading Twilight! You just can't get two books at such opposite ends of the spectrum!

    I don't think they have been modernized though - just a cover. I hope so, anyway!

  5. That's a great price, no doubt! And I know what you mean about that annoying you. I like Twilight and Wuthering Heights, yet it's just... weird when they put that on it. It annoys me, lol. Great IMM! :D Love when you get books you really want!

    My IMM!

  6. Great set! I like the Twilight P&P edition b/c I hope it opens up the book to new readers. But it's not the most fitting cover for the book.
    My IMM

  7. Great haul this week! I have to start Rachel Caine's series soon!

    Xpresso Reads

  8. oh, unwind is amazing!!

    here's my puppy style IMM!! and a new blog makeover!

  9. Ooh, ooh! I do! I live in West Yorkshire! (In my head, that's said like an overly eager school child bouncing up and down waving a hand) I clearly have to go there! Of course, I need to improve my geography and driving skills so that I don't get horribly lost in the process but I can do it for £2 books!

    Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close keeps taunting me from my shelves - I saw so many good reviews for it a while ago but now all has gone quiet so I guess I can read it now without the hype-pressure I'll put on it! I'm definitely going to dodge the film trailers until I've got round to it though - thanks for the heads up!

    Oh, and also, I really liked the film version of The Prestige and fortunately had no idea that there was a book version (otherwise I also wouldn't have been able to watch it...) I might have actually forgotten enough about the film (that I only just understood in the first place) to read it if it turns out to be good.

  10. @LIT - I know, I was referring to you! But you should go there, it's about a half hour train journey from Leeds. I could have spent a fortune, I swear - I managed to spend twenty minutes even with my Dad huffing and puffing behind me!

    I've barely heard of that book! I think I saw it on ONE blog a while back. The film looks appalling though, so try and stay away until you've read it. Seems like a strange book to make a film out of though.

    I'll be sure to keep you posted! Apparently the book's a little different but obviously I can't really say yet.

  11. Yey! :) Train it is! My sense of direction of hopeless which means that driving anywhere is usually a complete disaster!

    I seemed to see it everywhere for a while, I think. I particularly remember lots of comparisons between it and The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time, which I really did like so I think that's what got me. It's definitely not something I feel as though I need to watch, though. I can't imagine it being sensitively done, somehow...

  12. Haha, that really confused me then. I thought we were talking about The Prestige and I could understand why it could be even vaguely similar to The Curious Incident... I'm surprised that isn't a film yet, actually.

  13. Is The Prestige the book of the film? I loved the film!


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