Sunday, 13 August 2017

The Reading Quest 2017 - Sign-Up

 Current score: 
XP: 10 
HP: 12

This might be my favourite thing that I've seen all year.

It's a new reading challenge created by Read at Midnight, and it runs from 13 August 2017 to 10 September 2017.

The object is to choose a character, either a Knight, Bard, Mage or Rogue and then move around the board, collecting XP and HP as you read books from your TBR. The full rules are here.

My instinct is always to choose a mage in whatever game I'm playing, so this time I'm going to branch out and pick Bard, at least at first. 

My TBR pile is likely to change as we progress, but for now I've put together this provisional pile:

A book that has a movie/TV adaptation 
Okay, so Meg doesn't technically have an adaptation yet, but it is due for release next year with Jason Statham, and the challenge doesn't say it has to have an already released adaptation (#technicalities). It looks like a fun, pulpy horror novel about prehistoric sharks. Yay!
A fairy tale retelling
The only fairytale retellings I've read that I've really enjoyed is the Lunar Chronicles series, and Mercedes Lackey's Elemental Masters series. Imagine my delight when I was scanning my TBR shelves for inspiration and realised that I actually have one of the latter still to read! It's Blood Red and I'm super excited.
A book cover with striking typography 
This is one of my most newly purchased books (with birthday Amazon vouchers only this week), so I'm disappointed I have to wait three books into the challenge before I can read it, especially as I've heard it's brilliant. It has especially striking typography - it's gold and shiny, and just beautiful.
A book translated from another language 
Shame on me, but I actually struggled to find something from my TBR to meet this requirement. I eventually found Like Water for Chocolate, which I've been meaning to read for ages.
A banned book
I've actually already read a decent portion of the more well-known banned books - Animal Farm, Nineteen Eighty Four, Lady Chatterley's Lover (twice), To Kill A Mockingbird, etc. Instead, I'm going to read Lolita which will also count for the purple squared 'respawn' challenge, as I tried to read it previously but DNF'd it.

I'll be keeping track of my progress at the top of this page and I'll probably check in at the halfway point too. I'll also be tweeting at @bookinginheels.

Good luck everybody! 


  1. I loved Strange the Dreamer. It's much slower paced that her other series but the beautiful world building sucked me right in. Good luck with your quest kind Bard!

  2. Lolita is going to be a tough one for sure! Good luck!

  3. Good one, Great and interesting post, thanks for sharing.
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