Wednesday, 28 June 2017

June 2017 Wrap-Up

June wasn't a great month for reading, but then I hadn't expected it to be. The boyfriend and I had a week off together (in which we seemed to achieve very little), I had an important job interview to prepare for and I've generally had to clean and sort the house for future plans. Add to that a fun dose of illness flare-up and we're only 5.5 books further on with our lives.

I can't complain too much though, as I was completely blown away by two of those books and I really enjoyed a third. Let's have a look at what's been happening at Booking in Heels.


My Cousin Rachel by Daphne du Maurier
Warbreaker by Brandon Sanderson
The Song Rising (Bone Season #3) by Samantha Shannon


The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins


The Man Who Couldn't Stop: OCD and the True Story of a Life Lost in Thought by David Adam 
Wilkie Collins: A Life of Sensation by Andrew Lycett 

Best Book of June 2017:
My Cousin Rachel by Daphne du Maurier
(I'd say that The Moonstone is sliiiiiightly better, but it was a reread so doesn't count!) 

I've had such a good reading month that three of the books I've read ended up on my Top Ten Books of 2017 So Far list.

I'm reading the Wilkie Collins biography as part of a read-a-long hosted by Reading Rambo, and I'd say we're about halfway through. Or I will be, anyway, once I finish the required reading for today!

The one thing I can say for sure is that the above lack of reading in no way justifies the huge amount of books that have come into my house this month. 

I know, I know. Let's evaluate why Hanna has a Problem:
  • I don't even like Dickens. Can't stand him. The above eleven books just happened to be cheap and pretty, so what can you do?
    (not buy them?)
  • I already own Jane Eyre. Six times over.
  • I already own To Kill a Mockingbird. Twice over. 
  • I already own Rebecca. Twice over.   

I am looking forward to reading Frenchman's Creek, due to my success with My Cousin Rachel, and as I've heard that it's a sort of swash-buckley version of Rebecca. 

Fingers crossed for a more prolific reading month in July!

What was your favourite read from June?


  1. A favorite book I read in June is "Miss Buncle's Book" by D. E. Stevenson. Set in an English village, Miss Buncle needs money and writes a novel, but creates a big stir when villagers recognize themselves in characters. Charming and humorous.
    I read "Frenchman's Creek" years ago and loved it, by the way.

    1. Oh, I read Miss Buncle's Book last year (or maybe even the year before). I absolutely loved it though - I kept meaning to get the next book but I never got round to it.

      Really? That's great news! I'm looking forward to it even more now ;)

  2. I get to but the pretty clothbound Dickens for Josh because he actually does like Dickens.

    I thought The Man Who Couldn't Stop did a great job of explaining OCD, I'm not sure I really understood it before.

  3. Sorry to hear that you weren't feeling well last month, but hope that the job interview went well! And yay for together time, as it's always nice to kick back and relax with your SO! Even with everything going on, you still managed to read more than I did so you shouldn't feel bad. My reading always slows down when the weather gets hot, but am still embarrassed that I only managed to read 3 books last month. Oops! And hey, sometimes you just need the pretty books even though you know you'll never read them!

    Terri @ Alexia's Books and Such...

    1. Thank you, they telephoned and offered me the job the same day :)

      Oh really? That's interesting. I always find that I read MORE in Summer. I read in bed a lot, but when it's cold I don't want to take my arms out of the bed to hold a book, so I end up not reading as much.

      Oh, I'll absolutely read them. It might take me years to get through them, but I will!

  4. Ooh that does sound like a mixed bag of happenings this month! I hope the interview went well. :D But sadness for the illness flareup. :(
    But that's so good that the books you did manage to devour were so good. THREE CHEERS. ;D

    1. It did - they offered me the job the same day :)

      HIP HIP HOORAY! Good books make everything seem better, don't they?

  5. My Cousin Rachel is a book I want to read. I hope July is a better month for you!

  6. I hope the interview went well! I'm sorry you weren't feeling to well this month, hopefully July is a better month for you.

  7. I must be very superficial--I love all those cool bright-red spines for the Dickens books from Vintage!

  8. June is always crazy around here with school ending and summer ramping up. I hope your interview went well and that you are having a fun July. My favorite book in June was Zenn Diagram but my current book When Dimple Met Rishi is already topping that book and is on it's way to a favorite of 2017 for me.


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