Tuesday, 16 February 2016

The Crimson Petal and the White Read-a-Long - Week 0: Introductions

I absolutely did not forget that this read-a-long was about to start and I dare you to prove otherwise! *coughs* Sorry, Charlotte. In my defence, I was bogged down with The Shining and it was not going well, so I was busy trying to convince myself that books and blogging didn't actually exist so I didn't have to read it :)

Better late than never though, right?

I'm stupidly looking forward to reading this. I've only owned it about a month, but the first page alone makes me really excited. I'll probably start as soon as I've finished this post. 

1.  Introduce yourself!

I'm Hanna, 26, and when I'm not patching together posts for Booking in Heels, I'm a lawyer by trade. 

Let's see... I like books, obviously. I'm a Cub Scout Leader, I take Russian classes and I'm also working towards a Diploma in Mental Health. And starting a second Masters in September.

Sometimes I even have time to eat and sleep?

2.  If this is your first read, what are you expecting from it?  If this isn't your first time, what has prompted you to re-read?

It's definitely my first time. This book wasn't even really on my radar until Charlotte posted the opening paragraph a month or so ago, but it completely blew me away and I picked up a copy the next time I was in a book store.

I'm hoping for more of the same. The same chatty tone, whilst somehow remaining quite formal?

I've just realised I know literally nothing about the plot of the book, nothing at all, so it's probably safe to say I only have the vaguest of expectations.

3.  Book porn time - share a picture of your edition.
It really is a very pretty book... or so I thought until I had to get out of bed to go get it.
4.  This is some pretty chunky historical fiction.  Is it the kind of book that you'd normally go for or is this more of a safety in numbers deal to help you tackle something out of your comfort zone?

No, I wouldn't say it was out of my comfort zone really. I've read some pretty chunky books, both in read-a-longs and out. I don't think it's the length of the book that makes a difference, I think it's the density and The Crimson Petal and the White seems like it should be fairly accessible.

See you next week for Chapters 1 - 7! 

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it great that I'm finally commenting on this when I'm about to write this week's prompts?! I mean, it's not like we haven't spoken about the book already but still. I'm still excited about this book. It makes me smile when it's not making me feel awkward!


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