As soon as I saw this, Charlotte became my absolute favouritest person ever. I mean, it didn't last long - she hit me with a hat full of snow at the weekend - but for a brief period of time, she was my world.
I bought The Crimson Petal and the White in the first place because of her. She posted a few lines from it somewhere and I made a beeline for it the next time I wandered into a Waterstones. I was about to start reading it right away but then I oh-so-gently suggested that she put together a read-a-long and HERE WE ARE.
I'm excited for this, can you tell?
Click here to sign up. She's posted some excerpts that just make the book sound amazing. Plus it's a whole six weeks long and it's not that long, so it should be a nice easy ride.
I seem to be a bit shit at readalongs, but I WILL say that thanks to Drunken Berobed Emily Gilmore, TCPatW is very much ON MY BOOKSHELF. If it's good enough for Emily, it's good enough for me. :P