Thursday, 10 September 2015

Vote now for the October Read-a-Long!

Before we get into my new project, just a quick reminder that there's only four days left to sign-up for the Ninja Swap - now including a new and shiny Ninja Penpal Swap!

So, who's up for a READ-A-LONG!? The War & Peace read-a-long went so well this year that I've decided to squeeze in another one before Christmas. I was thinking mid-October time.

Thing is, I can't quite decide WHAT we should read, so I'd love it if you could comment below with your choice from the following:

Moby Dick by Herman Melville
Tom Jones by Henry Fielding
Sense & Sensibility by Jane Austen
The Picture of Dorian Grey by Oscar Wilde
Something else entirely (and tell me what!)

I'll leave this up for a week or so, but I'm really looking forward to getting stuck in to our chosen book, so be sure to vote!


  1. I'm not sure if this is just me, but I can't see the submit button for the poll!

    1. Not just you - I can't either! I tried picking a book and hitting enter in case that triggered a submit mechanism but nothing happened.

  2. I vote for Moby Dick! Although I would actually be happy with any of them, but I feel like the only way I'm ever going to read Moby Dick is if it's in a readalong, hehe.

  3. i know that this is of no help at all, especially if you need a tie breaker, but my vote is either on The Picture of Dorian Grey (perfect for Halloween) or Moby Dick (because this is another monster of a book and I know that I'm only going to read it if all the other cool cats are reading it as well!)

  4. I'm gonna say Moby Dick too- I've been meaning to read it forever but it intimidates me ever so slightly. Safety in numbers as always!

  5. I'm going Dorian Gray, because 1) it's short, so it'll work around OU, 2) it's perfect for Halloween and autumn/winter in general, and 3) it's my favourite book and I'm long overdue a reread. :)

    1. Ooops, sorry, browser crashed and posted twice!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.


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