Sunday, 26 April 2015

War & Peace Read-a-Long - Aaaaaaand we're DONE!

Can you believe it? We've finished War & Peace! 

I'm going to keep this short so I can ramble about my experience in my own wrap-up post, but I just wanted to say that I'm so grateful I had such a lovely bunch of people to read this week. Not everybody finished, but that's okay - it was great being able to talk to different people each week about what we read. There's no way I'd have got so far without you all.

And special thanks to Charlotte for stepping in (twice) whilst I was sick. 

I've had such a great read-a-long and I can't wait for the next one, whether mine or somebody else's. Maybe something slightly less ambitious next time though?

That's it from me, forever. Well, not forever as, well, this is my blog and all. But it's the last time I'll be here nagging you to link up your posts about an epic Russian novel! *single tear*

The Read-a-long's Final Prompts!

1. Was War & Peace what you expected or did it surprise you?
2. What was your favourite part?
3. Least favourite part?
4. Have you learned anything from War & Peace? Either Russian history, or in a more abstract, how-to-read-big-books way?
5. Be honest, how close did you come to giving up?
6. How did it feel when you FINALLY finished?
7. What's the first book you're going to pick up without Tolstoy-induced guilt?
8. Would you recommend this book to a friend? Would you reread it? 


  1. Woohoo! I'm sad to be linking up my last War & Peace entry, but I'm looking forward to my next readalong with you (right?... right?!)

  2. Sorry my post is a bit late, I have no excuse as I finished reading early last week. But yeah.. WE DID IT! YAYYY!


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