Saturday, 3 November 2012

TBR Pile: November 2012

Apparently if Lit Addicted Brit and Musings of a Bookshop Girl both do the same meme, I automatically feel compelled to do it too. I think I have issues.

Actually, I do genuinely like this idea. It's incredibly unlikely I'll actually stick to this as whenever I make a list of books to read I never want to read from it, but we'll see. I'm 44% of the way through 11.22.63 already though, so hopefully that will be at least one to cross off the list. As for the others - 

Life of Pi by Yann Martel - I've been meaning to read this for a while, not just because there's a film coming out. That said, I would like to have it finished by the UK release date of mid-December.

Bad Angels by Rebecca Chance - This was an unsolicited review book, but I've started seeing this author's books everywhere, so they must be worthwhile. I haven't read any chicklit for ages, but I'm looking forward to abandoning the Law crap and curling up with this.

The End of Mr Y by Scarlett Thomas - I've actually had this book for ages and I've been planning all along to use it for my TBR Pile Reading Challenge, but I'm even more excited about it now I've read Our Tragic Universe. I know it has more of a Science-y theme, but I'm looking forward to immersing myself in the chatty prose again. 

The Heroes of Olympus: The Son of Neptune by Rick Riordan - I adored the original Percy Jackson series, although I have to admit to not really being that enamoured of the first book in this set. Still, I've heard this book is better and I recently bought the one after this for £5, so I need to get cracking!

Am I the only one who took the photo above really quickly so that I didn't forget where the books belonged in my chronologically ordered TBR shelf?


What Actually Happened

11.22.63 by Stephen King
Life of Pi by Yann Martel
The End of Mr Y by Scarlett Thomas

Morganville Vampires #5: Lord of Misrule by Rachel Caine
What's Left Of Me by Kat Zhang
Godmother: The Secret Cinderella Story by Carolyn Turgeon

I finished 11.22.63, even if I still can't get the numbers in the right order without concentrating really hard. It's easily the best book I've read all year and everybody in the entire world should read it right now. 

The looming challenge deadlines kind of distracted me from this pile, I think. I don't really mind if I don't finish the ones I've signed up to, but I'm still making a little bit of a surge at the end! Both Lord of Misrule and Godmother are for the TBR Challenge (I'm on about 30 so far - not too bad, even though my target was 50), but the latter can be put towards the Telling Tales Challenge as well.  

What's on YOUR November TBR pile? Join the fun at Booksessed.


  1. I want to read Life of Pi too

  2. I read The End of Mr Y ages ago and remember really enjoying it! I also have Bad Angels on the ol' TBR pile so I'll be looking to see what you make of it. Enjoy your books this month! :)

  3. YES - November TBRs for all!! :)

    I read Life of Pi a few years ago and thought it was brilliant. It's bizarre but clever and fabulous. I saw the trailer for the film the other day at the cinema and I think that there's a chance that they've ruined it (depending on how they've handled the ending...) so you should definitely read it before you see it!

    I'm jealous that you're reading 11/22/63 - is it as good as I'm hoping it is?! Because I just read The Gunslinger and don't think that me and Stephen King are in a good place right now!

    I've already waffled about The End of Mr Y on your review of Our Tragic Universe so much though I do sort of want to, I'm not going to do it again!

    And Percy Jackson? I really need to carry on with this series too!

    1. It just seems a really, really strange book to make into a film. Like, I know the gist of the book and I really can't see how they possibly made it entertaining in film-form.

      YES! I didn't like The Gunslinger either, but DON'T LOSE FAITH! I'm only 48% of the way through 11.22.63 (I keep doing dashes and have to go back and change them to dots) but it's so so good and I love it! I own four more Gunslinger books and so many people swear blind they get better, but... Stop talking about your penis, Roland.

      Have you read the original PJ series yet? I really do love it.

    2. EXACTLY - what is with that man?! I have seen deserts and they are NOT arousing in the slightest. Nor are forests. Get a grip, man! I also kept getting annoyed by references to Hey Jude. Not only did it mean that the song kept getting in my head, it really confused me when it came to working out what the heck kind of time the flipping book was Asupposed to be set in. Now that I've finished it, I sort of get that that might have been part of the point but, really? Hey Jude?!

      Damn my use of dashes - I think I used up all of my effort remembering to put the date all back to front!

      And, rather shamefully, I've only read Lightning Thief. I do have Sea of Monsters on my eReader but I sort of keep not reading it...Q_Q

    3. Well I've been told that the second book is in the present, although still with Roland, so I think it's supposed to be that way. And then there's that boy (Jake? I think it's Jake, but then the main guy in 22.6.33 is called Jake too so I may just be confused) and he vaguely remembers modern day, doesn't he? Thinking about it, the main character in this book randomly starts singing the Beatles too. They are really similar, I thought that when I was reading this one, but this is WAY better.

      Nice essay there, huh?

      I know! I don't see why they couldn't have swapped the numbers round for over here. Plenty of books have different US and UK titles, so why not this one, when it would actually make a difference? I told someone he was killed on 11th of the 22nd 1963, the other day.

    4. 22.6.33? What the hell? I TOLD you it confuses me!

  4. I'm the same as you! :) Whenever I make a list I end up NOT sticking to it but we'll see. I started doing a monthly TBR list too!

    Bad Angels looks really good! I keep seeing it on Twitter so I'm looking forward to hearing what you think. Happy reading!

  5. Woohoo, look at the TBR Pile converts this month! I just love making lists and book piles, even if I don't stick to them completely. ;)

    I had the Stephen King but I sold it through the shop because it was HUGE and I thought we were moving. WHAT A FOOL. I saw the Life of Pi trailer and nearly cried because it was so EPIC - apparently when my sister saw it in the cinema she actually DID cry. So I should probably read it soon. Also, I have heard most awesome things about The End of Mr Y. This is why I need my TBR pile to be smaller - because I want to read everything NOW!

    P.S. Yes, it really is just you. :P

    1. Oh I know. I will probably read NONE of these books this month, but hey, the process was fun ;)

      It is huge. Like 700+ pages. I'm 58% of the way through and I'm incredibly close to what SHOULD be the end of the story so I'm not sure where it's going to go. It's really, really good though. Get in on your Kindle. I know you have one somewhere :p I haven't used mine in months but I dragged it out especially for this book because holding it was crippling me :p

  6. I am very impressed that your TBR pile has some kind of order, might get you to come and sort mine out! xx

  7. I WANT to do a November TBR pile but.. It will only ensure that I definitely don't stick to it! I'm constantly putting together little TBR piles that I might read one or two from and then ignore.

    As for Bad Angels.. I'm intrigued but it does seem like a very shallow chick lit. Still, I could be wrong.

    1. Well I'm thinking of it as 'Books I Might End Up Reading This Month' instead of 'Books I Will Try And Read This Month,' if that makes any sense.

      I can't remember what Bad Angels was about... I can see it from here, but hey ho :)

  8. I have all of these except the Stephen King to read...I can't stick to lists at all though. I might break my personal adaptation rule and watch the film of Life of Pi without reading the book. Heard so many meh things about it but the film looks stunning.

    I have a pile of Rebecca Chances that I haven't read. Was chatting to her at S&S event in spring and she made me take them all! Yeah, no willpower, though she's entertaining in person so sure her books will be fun.

  9. I'm so glad that your participating in my meme!

    I really want to read Life of Pi again. (It's been a few years and want to reread it before I see the film). I'm sure it will pop up on one of my lists soon.


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