Thursday 16 August 2012

Bout of Books Read-a-thon Thursday Challenges

Bout of Books Read-a-Thon
Firstly, BookSmartie wants to know what we snack on when we read. 

Honestly? I don't. I have Lupus and IBS, amongst other things, and the combination of those and a myriad of medication means that I tend to throw up. A lot. Roughly about a third. And while I am used to this, it ain't what I call pleasant and so I tend not to snack really. I have a slowly-growing list of things that I don't seem to throw up ever, but most of these aren't really snack foods. If I'm eating anything though, it's usually grapes - they're easy to eat one handed and not messy :)

Next, Reading in Winter asked us to a pick a book that would fit in perfectly with every season. Here we go!

Spring: I'd definitely go for something light and magical, like The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of her own Making. I just find that this is the perfect season for reading about magical lands and far-off places.

Alternatively, the scene from The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe where the ice finally begins to melt would be a perfect Spring scene :)

Summer: I know a lot of people tend to go for 'beach reads' during the Summer, but I like to pick one heavy classic to read through the long days. This year it was Anna Karenina, but next year I'm thinking maybe The Hunchback of Notre Dame.

Sunshine-y books like The Paradise Room by Belinda Jones would be perfect for summer relaxing though!

Autumn: HALLOWEEN! There's an Agatha Christie book called Halloween Party, although honestly I don't think it's one of her better ones. Otherwise there's a huge variety of spooky books, like Dracula, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, or The Woman in Black.

I like to go for slightly easier books in Autumn, as it usually signals the start of the academic year and it can be a shock to the system after a long, lazy Summer! This year I'm going to Law School to do my BPTC after a year away, so it's going to be doubly difficult. I'll probably be choosing some YA reads as a break from the heavy reading at Uni - The Maze Runner, perhaps, or Wither.

Winter: My absolute favourite Christmas novel is A Christmas Carol - I read it every year. It's much, much more accessible than the other Dickens and the atmosphere is just amazing. There's also a wonderful Christmas scene in Little Women.

Winter is when I like to curl up in the warm and reread some of my favourites, like Pride and Prejudice, The Night Circus or The Hunger Games.   
Look at Monday's challenges here, or check out my Bout of Books progress!


  1. Mmmmm grapes. I have some in the fridge. I think I need some now.

    I think I'm a weirdo who doesn't really have seasonal reads. Like I aim for Christmas stuff in December, but that's pretty much it. I'm so boring, lol.

  2. I love how you put The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe in Spring! I instantly thought of it as a winter book. :)

  3. Lurvely answers! You've kinda got yours flipped from mine - you go BACK to business in autumn so you hit the YA, and I get AWAY from business in autumn and go back to more labour-intensive reading. I usually end up reading classics in winter when the shop's pretty much empty and I just can just sit with a mug of hot chocolate and really let them get under my skin. :)

  4. I really must read A Christmas Carol this Christmas...I always just make do with the muppet version.


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