Sunday 8 July 2012

In My Mailbox #34 - including The Masque of the Red Death, The Woman Who Died A Lot and Anno Dracula

Not only did this fortnight include far too many books, it also included a trip to see the lovely Ellie where we threatened to deprive her lovely little town of all its books! What's more fun than yammering about books while scouring charity shop shelves and then retiring to a cafe for tea and cake?

Speaking of, I swear I had the best Bakewell Tart I've ever had in my entire life. I'm pretty sure the whole cafe knows about it too as I wouldn't shut up about The Amazing Tart (huh. I knew some girls at school with that name too..) at any point, but look how big it was!

Anyway, naturally we managed to buy books. Huge surprise there. Hop over to Musings of a Bookshop Girl to see what Ellie bought, none of which I hold any responsibility for :) As for me - 

So, that's the Dark Tower books three to five - I bought the first two the last time I went to visit Ellie and clearly I needed to add to my collection.

Then, in a charity shop I found a biography of Colonel Blood, the man that stole the Crown Jewels in the 1670s. I love the history of the Tower of London so I just couldn't pass this one up.

It's definitely a shopping experience that needs to be repeated!

 And then, because I naturally needed more books, I went to an indie bookstore in Sheffield. Well, it's actually a comic book store, but it has an entire wall of fantasy and horror novels. I usually resist, but this week... not so much.

I've already read and reviewed Deadfall Hotel, but I have to wait to read Anno Dracula: The Bloody Red Baron as I accidentally picked up the second book in the series without the first. Apparently it doesn't make that much difference, but I'd rather read them in order anyway. And it's not like I've already ordered it or anything... *coughs*

I know, I know - The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel book has a movie cover. But hey, it was in a charity shop and I actually think it looks nicer than the original one. I liked the film when we watched it a few weeks ago (well, Lewis watched it and I napped), so I thought I might pick up the novel.

The other three books are all charity shop finds too. I'm particularly pleased with A Prayer for Owen Meany as I've been wanting to read it for a while, but never got round to actually ordering the damn thing.

The Woman Who Died A Lot is the latest installment of the Thursday Next series, one of my favourite all-time book sets. I'm ridiculously grateful to Hodder & Stoughton for sending it to me, as I've read it already and love it.

I also received Masque of the Red Death to review, and although I haven't started it yet, I've heard wonderful things! 

Finally, finally, FINALLY, we have A Mango Shaped Space, which is about a young girl with synesthesia, the mingling of perceptions so a person can see sounds, smell colors, or taste shapes.

I swapped for this on ReaditSwapit because it sounds fascinating. I think I heard somewhere that Vincent van Gogh is suspected of suffering from synesthesia, but obviously that's just a theory.

What did you get in your mailbox this week?


  1. Oh, I like that cover of Masque Of The Red Death.

    Also? Do I spy books from The Dark Tower? WELL DONE. That's my favorite series ever and I am glad to see it get love/recognition. :-)

  2. BOOOKS! I definitely need to read some Zafon, I think, if only to have more than one book in my 'Z' reviews section hehe. Also I keep seeing quite a lot of his books in charity shops, so... Yeah, I need them.

    ALSO, yesssss to The Dark Tower! I'm so impressed that you found 3 in one day, it took me aaages to find all 7 in charity shops (obviously I could have bought them for actual money, but where's the fun in that?) so, yeah, impressive!

  3. W-O-W. You did well this week! I have the first ANNO DRACULA book and it sounds brilliant! I'll wait eagerly for your Owen Meany/Marigold Hotel/Mango-Shaped Space reviews so I know whether I need to buy them (didn't they have MH at the Air Ambulance shop? *twitches slightly*) - and if you don't fall in love with the Cemetery of Forgotten Books in THE SHADOW OF THE WIND I'll have to come over there and throw jelly beans at you. K?

    And may I just add:
    1) You were entirely responsible for AT LEAST one book I bought this week - and if Mum asks, the rest as well.
    2) I am eternally grateful that you didn't post the god-awful photo you took of me wearing a hoodie with rain-hair. :)

    1. Oh, and also, since I discovered that Lime Lounge has Bakewell Crackle (that treacly chocolate crispy thing I had) I've had one EVERY DAY. So if I put three stone on by Christmas I'll blame you for that as well. *rows off happily down De Nile*

  4. Well I guess I know where my unwanted copies of 6 and 7 of Gunslinger are heading then! :) And I may be a little jealous of Masque of the Red Death. I did request it but no luck. I suppose that's a good thing!

  5. Nice book haul. So many fantastic ones in there. All the ones I have read I loved; the Dark Tower, Ano Dracula, Owen Meaney and Shadow of the Wind. Loved them all. Very jealous of your shopping spree.

  6. nice haul

    I loved A Mango Shaped Space!

  7. The Shadow of the Wind is a great book. *sigh* I wish I had managed to find an equally good summer read for this year but it's not looking good... this far, at least. The mango thing definitely sounds interesting. You have autism in quite a few books (why?) but this is the first time I've bumped into a book where the main character has synesthesia. Although, I suppose the latter isn't nearly as much of a problem than the former. Apples and oranges.


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