Sunday 24 June 2012

In My Mailbox #33 - featuring Death Comes to Pemberley, A Game of Thrones and Snuff!

In My Mailbox at Booking in Heels (June)
In my (wholly inadequate) defence, I haven't actually obtained all of the books on the left this fortnight. Only, you know, most of them.

The entire pile on the left, in fact, and the pile on the right from the top (Scott Pilgrim) to the red Vintage classic edition near the bottom.

And the shoes, which I adore and have already worn twice.

Before I get into all that though, there's going to be a tiny change at Booking in Heels, just as soon as I finish this post. If you look in the sidebar, there will be a new box and a little arrow. In an attempt to curtail my book-buying (which is ridiculously out of control), I'm going to monitor the books coming in as opposed to the books actually being removed from my TBR.

Each month I'll start with the total number of books on my TBR and then change the arrow as it goes up or down. At the end of the month I'll announce how much the number has moved! 

So if I started July with 170 unread books, but then read four and bought six, the number would be 172 (↑2). And then at the start of August, it'd change to 172 (↑0) to start with a clean slate. Everybody on board? :)

Booking in Heels' Pride and Prejudice collection

I thought it might be fun to start with the three editions of Pride and Prejudice I got this fortnight. Even for me that's quite a lot, but I've been exceptionally lucky with charity shop finds and uh... nice people this week!

From left to right, the first is a big leather bound edition by Barnes and Noble. Their run of classics are just beautiful, but quite expensive and most aren't available in the UK. But then! Then I found one in a charity shop for... wait for it... £1! *throws up in excitement*

The second was sent to my by the truly magnificent Lit Addicted Brit. It turns out that the World Book Night Giver for Pride and Prejudice was actually in our local train station ten minutes after we'd passed through, can you believe it? I was bemoaning this fact to pretty much anybody who'd listen, when dear darling Charlotte offered to send me the copy that she'd been given! So not only do I now have a super limited edition of Pride and Prejudice, I must have just missed seeing her by a matter of minutes! Seriously though, she's awesome. Go hug her. Tell her I sent you.

The last is much less exciting but still an edition I needed. The light blue Wordsworth editions have been discontinued now but seem to pop up in charity shops everywhere. Or at least, they all do BUT Pride and Prejudice! I finally managed to get hold of it when my boyfriend grabbed it off the charity shop shelf with an excitement rarely seen over a £1.25 classic (other than by myself).  

Collins Classics book cover of the Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark TwainBook cover of Let's Pretend This Never Happened by Jenny LawsonBook cover of The Seduction of the Crimson Rose by Lauren Willig

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer was only £1.99 and was bought purely for the purposes of my League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Challenge. I have have absolutely no desire to read it, but hopefully it will pleasantly surprise me. 

Let's Pretend This Never Happened, on the other hand, I am absolutely dying to read. I saw it in Waterstones having never heard of it before and immediately grabbed it, only to get home and find it's all over the book blogs! What can I say, I must just have good taste. 

The last book, The Seduction of the Crimson Rose, is the fourth book in the Pink Carnation series by Lauren Willig. You can read my review of the third, The Deception of The Emerald Ring, but each book tells the story of characters mentioned in the previous ones, and sometimes I struggle to keep who's who straight in my head.
Book cover of A Game of Thrones by George R. R. MartinBook cover of Wise Children by Angela CarterBook cover of The Bloody Chamber by Angela Carter

Book cover of Caesar by Patrick O'BrienBook cover of Gillespie and I by Jane HarrisHardback book cover of Snuff by Terry Pratchett
Book cover of The Wise Woman by Philippa GregoryBook cover of The Graphic Guide to Post ModernismBook cover of Heresy by S.J. Parris
Book cover of Scott Pilgrim Volume 1Book cover of Death Comes to Pemberly by P.D. JamesTwo Queens in One Isle by Alison Plowden
Book cover of The Lincoln Lawyer by Michael Connelly

I genuinely feel like I should apologise to all the charity shops in the area for raping their bookshelves... 

I'm particularly pleased with Death Comes to Pemberley. Usually I don't touch Pride and Prejudice knock-offs with a barge pole, but this one sounds interesting and seems to be written in an Austen-y style. Plus it revolves around the death of Mr. Wickham and that can hardly be a bad thing :)

Caesar looks brilliant too. It's by Patrick O'Brien, the author of the Aubrey/Maturin series but I'm pretty sure it couldn't be more different if it tried. It's about a panda crossed with a leopard! Apparently it's something he wrote when he was younger, but it sounds quirky and kind of fun.

Oh, and Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life: Volume 1! I loved the film and the graphic novel it was based on looks very similar. Unfortunately I do have the crappy movie cover version (and it's an ex-library book too), but for 25p I can't really complain.

Book cover of The City's Son by Tom PollockUK book cover of Revived by Cat Patrick

Two books for review this week - The City's Son from Jo Fletcher books and Revived from Egmont. I loved Forgotten, so I can't wait to start Cat Patrick's new offering!

UK hardback book cover of 1Q84 by Haruki Murakami

And finally, my reserve of 1Q84 from the library came in. I've very nearly finished it (well, Books One and Two anyway) and I've already reserved the third. I've never read Murakami before, but this is so good I can't wait to get my hands on the rest.

What's in your mailbox this week? Have you read any of these?


  1. Nice idea on the TBR front...I think that would just reveal my hopeless state of affairs... and yey for Snuff! New Pratchett alwasy makes me happy (though the postie seems to be holding The Long Earth ransom this week).

  2. What a great haul though! My TBR shelf on goodreads is 600+, so you look like a saint next to me! :P

  3. Some interessting books you got there :)

    Happy Reading!

    Filia @ Anima Libri - Booksoul

    My IMM

  4. Aw, it looks so much happier on your shelf with its P&P kin than it looked on mine! :) Weirdly, after I'd got given it I was both excited that I'd get to read it and wondering if you'd have one! It's even weirder that I was doing that so soon after you'd walked across the exact same crossing!

    I'm also really glad that I didn't go charity shop trawling this week! :-p

    I've got Game of Thrones on my eReader and absolutely keep meaning to read it but it's so long! Ditto 1Q84. I just need to man up and get started. I haven't bought Gillespie and I but I totally have a thing for Joanne Harris' books and this one keeps being recommended to me by Goodreads - what can you do?!

    1. Everytime I get a new P & P, I stare at it on the shelf for days - it's worryingly obsessive actually. Lewis reckons I'm glowering at them so they feel too terrorized to get up and wander off in the night...

      I really really REALLY like 1Q84, although it's a weird-ass book. I need to get Book 3 though actually. Game of Thrones..... mrrrh, I don't know. I read the first few pages a year or so ago and couldn't get into it, although I suppose I was at work, leaning against the counter at GAME! I'll try it, but it is scarily long...

      And Gillespie and I was pretty. So I bought it.

  5. You should have heard my intake of breath just then.. I know I can't really talk on the ebook front but.. Wow. *bows* You found some great stuff though! Hope you read Game of Thrones soon, it's really brilliant.

    And I love your idea with the sidebar stats. I stole Ellie's "pages read yesterday", but I may steal your "last book finished"... maybe. I won't be stealing the arrow though. Mine would be constantly shaming me whether I try or not. Ha..

    1. I feel guilty everytime I look at this post. Then again I feel insanely happy when I look at my book pile, so I guess it balances out :)

      I know you love it, I kind of bought it based on your opinion. I didn't really give it a fair go the first time round, so...

      I liked the 'Pages read yesterday' idea too, but then I'd end up skimming pages to increase my total and I don't want to do that! I'm too competitive to be sensible with it :p

  6. 1Q84! 1Q84! *jumps around and claps a lot* I'm so glad you're loving it! Omg!

    Ahem. Also I'm well jealous of Let's Pretend This Never Happened... Might need to buy that sooooon!

    1. I know, I was thinking of your post while I was reading it. I was going to head over and comment soon :)

  7. I resisted A Game of Thrones for years, but have just read it and am itching for my friend to lend me the next one. I'll be interested to see how you get on with it.

  8. What a haul!! And... great shoes. I want them.


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