Friday 22 June 2012

Anna Karenina Read-a-long

Can you believe I've been blogging at Booking in Heels for more than a year now and I haven't taken part in one Read Along?

Well my friends, that's about to change! Not only did I list Anna Karenina on my Summer TBR, I also wrote about the movie coming out in September. Writing that post and looking at all the wonderful pictures (well, those of somebody other than Keira Knightley) made me desperate to see it, and naturally I wanted to read it first. 

Five Alarm Book Reviews to the rescue! I always knew I might need a sharp poke to get started with this one, so a Read Along is the perfect solution. 

Here's the schedule -

Start Up Post/Announcement Post – Now through July 1
1st Post - Parts 1 and 2 – July 7
2nd Post - Parts 3 and 4 - July 14
3rd Post - Parts 5 and 6 - July 21
4th Post - Parts 7 and 8 - July 28
Final Review – July 31

A week to read each part and a month for the whole book is more than acceptable. Having never participated in a Read Along before, I'm not sure how I'll get along with not reading ahead, so I might end up plunging through the whole thing and scheduling my posts! We'll see.

Click here to sign up for the Anna Karenina Read Along, or read my thoughts on the movie adaptation.


  1. Ooooh, how exciting, your first readalong! I always thought that I'd like *have* to read ahead if I did a readalong, but I liked being exactly where everyone was at, and not like accidentally telling them extra bits and stuff- although I have read the next section immediately after reading everyone's posts! Hope you love Anna, it's one of my favourites!

  2. I am so pleased that you have decided to join us, for your first read along! I usually end up reading ahead and scheduling my posts. That is no problem, do whatever is comfortable for you. Can you believe that amazing movie trailer? I am so excited to get started.

  3. I loved doing my first read-a-long earlier this year of The Great Gatsby. Might have to join you on this one!


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