Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Sunday, 6 May 2012

In My Mailbox #30 - Pirates! in an Adventure with Scientists, Bood Blound, Jodi Picoult and more!

Good morning! I hope you've had a wonderful week - it's been horrible weather here in soggy old Yorkshire, which means I've been bundled up in my huge yellow coat looking rather like Rhubarb and Custard. A word of advice - think about the colour of your winter coat before dyeing your hair a stupid colour.

Anyway, I've had a brilliant week thanks to various financial problems being resolved and I've also had an excellent book week. Although what week isn't an excellent book week really?

So. Three of the four books in the photo at the top were library reserves - The Pirates! in an Adventure with Scientists, Girl in Hyacinth Blue and A Dangerous Method. The other one, Blood Bound by Rachel Vincent, I saw on the shelf and grabbed because I've never read a book of hers I haven't loved.

The Pirates! in an Adventure with Scientists by Gideon Defoe, hardback book coverA Dangerous Method by John Kerr, movie book cover with Keira Knightley
I've actually already read Pirates!.... Scientists and my God, I loved it. Read my review here, although be prepared for a lot of raving. It's a teeny tiny book and I can't wait to read the others in the series.  

A Dangerous Method,however, is most definitely not a teeny tiny book. I'm not sure if you can see in the top image, but that book is huge. Worse, when you open it, the pages are full of the most minescule text you can possibly imagine. It's a shame because I do want to read it (movie cover aside) but it does put me off a little. I'll just have to wait until I'm feeling ambitious!

Girl in Hyacinth Blue by Susan Vreeland book coverBlood Bound by Rachel Vincent book cover

Girl in Hyacinth Blue by Susan Vreeland is supposed by the tale of a painting as it's traced back through its many owners. It's very Girl with a Pearl Earring-y as I can imagine it has the same style and it's actually about a different Vermeer painting, although a fictional one.

I have to admit that Blood Bound doesn't appeal to me as much as Rachel Vincent's other series - like the Shifters series (staring with Stray) or Soul Screamers (My Soul to Take). But still, like I said above - I've never read a book of hers I didn't like, so I'm more than willing to give this one a go!

A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens penguin clothbound classic hardbackPenguin hardback clothbound classics

I love these Penguin clothbound classics - I'm slowly trying to collect them, although they're quite expensive so I haven't got many. I'm only buying the ones I like though, so I just couldn't resist buying A Christmas Carol this week. You know what's strange though - of the four books I've bought so far, I've ended up buying them in exact alphabetical order! Austen, Bronte, Carroll, Dickens... shame I can't think of a classical author beginning with E!

Plain Truth book cover by Jodi PicoultSing You Home book cover by Jodi Picoult

I have a bit of a strange relationship with Jodi Picoult - I either adore her books beyond all reason like My Sister's Keeper or Handle with Care, or I can barely finish them like Change of Heart or The Pact. I think I just like the medical/legal books so much more. Now though, thanks to a quick wander through the charity shops yesterday, I now own every single Jodi Picoult book that I actually want to read. Judging by the size of my TBR pile, it'll be ages before I even think about reading them, but that's hardly the point now is it? :)

What did you get in your mailbox this week?


  1. GEORGE ELIOT! I'm so clever. *hides Penguin English Library leaflet*

    1. Ohhhhh, George Eliot. You know, it took me three tries off staring blankly at that comment to work out what the hell you were on about. 'George Eliot? Why is she shouting random authors at me?' :)

      But yes Hannah, well done.


  2. The Penguin books are gorgeous, love them. I'm off to read your review of Pirates!

    Our Media Mail post and Linky are at Book Sake. –Jessica

  3. I love those Penguin classics too - I have Sense & Sensibility and Dracula at the moment. I also have some of the Puffin Childrens Classics that are very similar.

  4. I still need to read Blood Bound, I'm so behind

    Happy reading

  5. Whatttt? Pirates? Must go check out your review!

    Great book haul :)

  6. Daaaamn, I was going to say George Eliot too! I LOVE the Clothbound classics SO much, I keep trying to think of excuses to buy them- I obviously HAD to buy The Woman in White because I was doing a readalong of it, and I will clearly need to buy A Christmas Carol in December... I'm so smart... Anyway, yay!

    1. I remember your post where you got a few of them - I was so jealous!

      I STILL haven't read The Woman in White though I keep meaning to. Well, I'm off to see if Penguin do any of George Eliot's work in this edition :)

  7. Ooo pretty books. I like the sound of the Pirates books more than the film, which is odd be I generally like Aardman but I've seen the trailer so many times, I'm fed up of it already. But the books do sound fun.

    1. They are, they're so much fun! I didn't fancy the film much either, but I might have a look now I've read the book. It looks like they've changed an awful lot though.

  8. I love those Penguin covers - so beautiful! Great mailbox, and I hope you'll persevere with Blood Bound. :) It was a good book. I'm fed up with sodding rain in Staffordshire too. Not feeling the spring at all. Enjoy all your reads!

    1. I think we got two days of sun last month and I reckon that was it for this year! It's a bank holiday weekend - of COURSE it was going to be miserable weather :p

  9. Those posh Penguin books are very nice.
    I read one Jodi Picoult, Handle with Care, and I disliked it so much I'm not going to read any more of her work. My daughter has the condition that Willow has (Osteogenesis Imperfecta) and I found the book intensely annoying ... having said that, I did finish it, so something must have hooked me ... I hated the sensationalist ending (yawn) and I didn't warm to any of the cliched characters. Very disappointing as I thought it could have had so much more to say about disability and OI in particular :( Am I wrong to be put off for life or should I give her another go do you think?

    1. I think that Handle with Care may not have been the best choice to start with, especially since you must know more about that syndrome than Jodi Picoult herself. The ending did annoy me though, you're right - it just seemed kind of pointless and irritating.

      My absolute favourite is My Sister's Keeper. I'd give it another go - if nothing else, at least they're quick reads :)

  10. Wow, so many cool books!


  11. I found with Jodi Picoult I started off loving her books (My Sister's Keeper, Vanishing Acts, Plain Truth) but although they are really interesting and readable, the more books I read by her, the less I enjoy them. I find them quite formulaic, and I haven't read any for a few years for that reason - which is a shame because I'm sure I'd love any one of them if I hadn't already read half a dozen. Does that make sense? Still, Plain Truth was one of my favourites, so I hope you like it.

    1. That makes 100% sense - I felt the same when I read Handle with Care. I knew what her endings were like so I was expecting something similar. Still, I plan to practise in the kind of Law she writes about one day, so I tend to like them for that reason :)

  12. great post, Brendan! thanks for this sharing! very interesting and informative planning law books! Another useful law book for planners is the one written by hreflegal books,legal books,used law books,tottel,law library,law society of ireland.I read it two years ago and I really enjoyed it! I warmly recommend it!


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