Sunday, 22 April 2012

In My Mailbox #28 - Insurgent, Bitterblue, Atonement, Water for Elephants and more!

IMM #28 - Bitterblue, Shatter Me, Insurgent, Battle Royale, Atonement, etc

You know you have too many books when you have a TBR shelf that spans the entire length of a room, and you still have to make a separate pile for the ones that won't fit on.

That said, I've had the awesome week to end all awesome weeks. Insurgent AND Bitterblue in the same week! I swear I squealed less on my birthdays as a child. It's times like this when I feel so, so lucky to be a book blogger - two books that I've been desperate to read and aren't even out yet, and they both roll up on my doorstep with a nice note from the publishers. I have to admit, I feel pretty fortunate right now. The release date for both is May 1st, so I have no idea which to read first!

Book cover for Bitterblue by Kristin CashoreInsurgent UK cover by Veronica Roth

 For some reason I seem to have received a lot of swap requests on ReaditSwapit lately, but that suits me just fine :) This week I swapped for The Wind-up Girl, Battle Royale (which I've been after for ages), Shopaholic & Baby and The Chocolate Frog-Frame Up, sent by a swapper who turned out to be a fellow book blogger!

Book cover for Shopaholic & Baby by Sophie KinsellaBook cover for The Chocolate Frog Frame-Up by JoAnna CarlBook cover for The Windup Girl by Paolo BacigalupiBook cover for Battle Royale by Koushun Takami

 I also received a R.A.K. from a lovely book blogger, Dani at Refracted Light Reviews. Bless her and her sending of Shatter Me! I was desperate to read it when it first came out but couldn't afford it, so now I'm more than a little excited.

Book cover for Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi

Finally I may have gone on a little charity shop binge yesterday. I got a great haul, even if it did mean rifling through my boyfriend's pockets for change every few minutes :)

I'm not normally a fan of movie covers, but I've wanted to read Atonement for a while now and this one was only £1, so I decided I could live with the photo of That Woman. 

I'm sure most people have heard of Before I Go To Sleep, but I couldn't resist picking up a copy for £2. I haven't read a bad review of it yet and it's still £3.73 in ASDA, so I can't lose really!

Finally, Ellie from Musings of a Bookshop Girl sent me a copy of Ape House by Sara Gruen right before Christmas and I loved it. Since then I've been on the look-out for a copy of her other book, Water for Elephants, and look what I found yesterday...

Book cover for Atonement by Ian McEwanBook cover for Before I Go To Sleep by C.J. SansomBook cover for Water For Elephants by Sara Gruen


  1. Oooh what a glorious book week you had!

    Happy reading!

    Brianne @

  2. I loved Water for Elephants and Before I Go To Sleep, hurrah for charity shop finds.

  3. I saw that pile and squealed a little for you. I think I would read EVERY book there. Jesus. *cheer*

  4. I'm reading Before I Go To Sleep at the moment (my hold at the library finally came in!) and be prepared,it's almost impossible to put down!

  5. LOOOVE the new blog design! Really bright and gorgeous! (so as your IMM). I'm jealous of you having Bitterblue and Insurgent and looking forward to your reviews, enjoy! ;)

  6. You have Bitterblue!!! SOOOO jealous! I just adored Graceling and Fire...

  7. I'm glad you got Shatter Me! It's a really great read. :) Enjoy!

  8. Did you just refer to Keira Knightley as 'that woman'? I LOVE you! I have that exact same cover of Atonement, and fortunately I didn't think of her once when I was reading it (I really really loved it!) Also, Battle Royale! I'm so jealous! Hope you enjoy them :)

  9. Okay I am SUPER jealous! Bitterblue *and* Insurgent?? Lucky you! I hope they're both awesome! I just finished Divergent and LOVED it! I wish I had Insurgent to read right now!

    I hope Bitterblue is good but I'll admit I have some doubts. I LOVED Graceling but I wasn't that fond of Fire. So I guess we'll see which way Bitterblue goes for me!

    I haven't read Atonement but I honestly really didn't like the movie. Maybe the book is better though.

    Enjoy your books :)

    Here's my IMM

  10. What a good haul - I loved before I go to sleep and water for elephants

  11. I think that there are very few piles of books that I would be more jealous of!

    You are SO lucky that your reading problem is whether to read Bitterblue or Insurgent first. 1st May is too far away!!!

    I'm really really hoping that they're both going to be worth the wait!


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