Monday 5 March 2012

UK Giveaway of Mum in a Million by Judith Holder

Orion Books have once again been nice enough to host a giveaway for Booking in Heels readers! This time, four lucky, lucky people can win a copy of Mum in a Million: For the Stressy, Know-it-all Mum I Couldn't Do Without.

There is no-one quite like your mother - but along with the unconditional love and understanding, this also means that there is no-one else who always knows when you're fibbing, or where you keep your diary, or the terribly amusing thing you once said at a family wedding when you were five. In an affectionate, amusing and mischievous book, Judith Holder's tribute to motherhood covers everything from mothers through the ages (it's not only the Virgin Mary who we wish had had an immaculate conception), to maternal anxiety, to those little things she says and why she says them: "You're not going out like that", "What are you doing inside on a lovely day like today?", and the classic: "because I said so". Using interviews and testimonies from mothers and daughters of all ages, this will be beautifully woven together to produce a humorous look at motherhood and everything that goes with it, with beautifully illustrated and funny line drawings integrated into the text. 

Judith Holder has a great deal of experience with humour, having worked with some of the funniest people on television - Victoria Wood, Billy Connolly, Lenny Henry and many more. She is also the author of books like The Secret Diary of a Grumpy Old Woman and It's Not Grim Up North.

Looking at the book in front of me, it's easy to see that her sense of humour shines through. Everybody can find something to relate to in this book. For me, it was the section headed 'Shopping with your Mother.' It brought back memories  of many trauma-filled hours shopping for school shoes with my Mum - it  always, always ended in tears and a pair of shoes that weren't high enough for me (I started early!) and too shiny for my Mum.

I started reading this on the train earlier, and so many parts made me smile and nod. Then I immediately rang my Mum and told her how much I loved her.

Mother's Day in the UK is the 18th March, and there honestly doesn't exist a better gift. Like I said, four lucky winners will get hold of a copy, which means four lucky Mums will feel extra specially loved on that day :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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