Sunday 19 February 2012

In My Mailbox #22

Well, we've reached the end of another week at Booking in Heels and it's been a fairly productive one, as far as I'm concerned.

It's unlikely you've actually noticed a difference, but I'm starting to be much more organised in the management of my blog. Hell, I've even done the unthinkable and actually scheduled a post! Round of applause, anyone? I've been much more focused on my reviews and I'm starting to think about the future of Booking in Heels a little more.

Despite my super-productive week though, I've still managed to get my hands on a fair few books.

Sam from Falling Books was nice enough to send me Stray as a RAK last week. I raved about it in my review, so imagine my happy dance when it turned up on my doorstep. Finally I own my very own copy! Thanks Sam :)

 So I've managed to once again go vaguely psycho in the library again. Haha, 'psycho,' cause I borrowed The Psychopath Test... get it? :) Sorry. 

Anyway, all five of these were actually requests, although the library did manage to temporarily lose Shockoholic. I found a stray librarian to ask if she knew where it was, and she managed to help me immensely by looking confused and asking if the book I was already holding was it. Err... no. Regardless, she eventually located it and I toddled off home to roll about in my requested books.

I've read The Psychopath Test and Shockaholic already. Ideally the review of the former will be going up this afternoon but I can smell an almost completed Sunday lunch, and that pretty much means nap-time will follow.... Yeah, we'll see.

I'm oddly excited about Jurassic Park. The Boy brought home all three films last week and I fell in love with the first one all over again, so I'm suddenly desperate to see how the book compares.

For the first time in a very long while, I've actually had a tiny bit of spare money. It's been ages since I treated myself to some books, so I had a quick traipse round the charity shops the other day. 

I had absolutely no idea that Minority Report was by Philip K. Dick. I knew it was a book, but if I'd known who'd wrote it, I'd probably have read it before now.

We watched The King's Speech not so long back and surprisingly really enjoyed it. Both my Dad and I stammer (although his is a lot worse than mine) so it made a nice change to see a strong film character who does so too. I was curious about how accurate the film actually was and added the book to my wishlist - but then it turned up in Help the Aged! Yeeeaaaah!

Finally, The Children's Book was a swap on ReaditSwapit. I've had a quick flick through and it has tiny text and not a lot of paragraphs, so I might hold back until I'm in a slightly more patient mood.

What's in your mailbox this week?


  1. Haha I just announced on Twitter thta I'd outdone myself and scheduled a post. Maybe there's something in the air today.

    I think Minority Report is just a short story and the book contains others. Jurassic park is excellent and much more in depth on the cloning side than the film. One of the dinosaurs near the end scared me so much when I first read it.

    1. Some kind of anti-laziness drug, you mean? Any way we could condense it into some kind of pill? :)

      Oh, like I, Robot? Ah right. I didn't realise. I had a quick flick through and it didn't seem like it, but we'll see.

      I heard that Jurassic Park was much more scientific than the film - it's kind of why I wanted to read it in the first place. I can't wait!

  2. I really enjoyed The Good Man Jesus and The Scoundrel Christ, it was one of my favourite reads last year.

    And I want to read The Children's Book too but I have the same edition as you and the writing is so small it's demoralising...

    1. Ugh, I know. I really liked the plot synopsis, but when it arrived I somehow just knew I wouldn't be reading it for a while. ..

  3. I've heard Stray's pretty good. It's a part of a series right? Oh and your blog layout's so cute! =)

    New follower btw! Check out my Mailbox!

    1. It is, it's the first in a paranormal series about werecats :) And thank you, I love this layout!

  4. I haven't read Jurassic Park in years but I remember loving it!! Great haul this week!

  5. I loved Stray. That whole series is an emotional roller coaster. Hope you enjoy your books! ;)

    New follower
    Check out my 300 followers giveaway

  6. I NEED to read Minority Report. I loved the movie and books are always better than movies :)


    My IMM!

  7. I didn't know minority Report was Philip K. Dick either! Also - I scheduled a post too! Admittedly because it needs to go up at the same time as somebody else's post BUT IT STILL COUNTS.

  8. Enjoy all the books you got this week Hanna!

    If you'd like you can check out the awesome books I got in my mailbox this week, just click the link below! ;)

    Lea @ LC's Adventures in Libraryland

  9. Cool haul this week! I loved Jurassic Park as a teen - the book is pretty different as I recall, but very good! And Stray is on my TBR list. Happy reading!

    My IMM


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