Thursday 5 January 2012

IMM Christmas Edition

Who says you can't do an IMM on a Wednesday? Or write about Christmas on January 5th? It has to be done, I'm afraid. I've been ill for a little bit so this is very, very late, but hey, we'll all survive.

This is to say thank you for all the bookish Christmas presents I got this year. I got some wonderful things, some of which I've already got stuck in to!

From family

I'm superbly happy with what I opened on Christmas morning! The top two books are editions of Pride and Prejudice that I didn't already have, and the top one especially is beautiful. It has a grey hardback cloth cover with printed pink flowers and elegant font on the inside. Pretty :)

The third book down is Unnatural Issue by Mercedes Lackey. I adore her Elemental Masters series, so I was more than a little excited to get my grubby paws on the latest one. 

The last book still makes me smile in a horribly dopey way whenever I look at it. Want a close-up? I think we should have a close-up.

A horrible close-up, but a close-up nevertheless.

It's one of those new Barnes & Noble leather-bound editions, and I swear, I love it more than oxygen. It's hardback and embossed and the pages are that wonderful crisp quality. You know what else? It smells damn good too.

Look at these, look at these, look at these! These are bookends that combine two of my favourite things - books and frogs. Not only that, but the frogs are wearing graduation caps and I graduated from Law School last month.

I know they're not technically books, but I just had to show you them.

From friends:

By which I mean other bloggers, but hell - I have real-life friends who don't know me as well as these people! The following are my friends and I'm more than a little lucky to have them.

I was blown away by what I got through the post this year.

I know I've already mentioned The Story of King Arthur and His Knights which was sent to me by The Lit Addicted Brit but I'm including it here again, partly for completion's sake and partly because it matches the Poe book above. Unlike that though, I still haven't forced myself to take off the plastic wrapping yet!

Ellie from Musings of a Bookshop Girl wasn't only nice enough to send me a copy of Ape House by Sara Gruen (which I've already reviewed - click here), but she also included the Pride and Prejudice DVD! You know, the proper one.

I could have posted a picture of the DVD itself up there, but why bother why I could just post a photo of the reason we all watch it in the first place?

The Night Circus is easily one of my favourite reads of 2011, so a massive thank you to Bex from An Armchair By The Sea who sent it to me a few days before Christmas. I was so eager to read it that I devoured it in the few days between Christmas and New Year! I haven't posted a review yet because I'm so behind it's ridiculous, but it's next on my list :)

And finally, Forgotten Bookmarks is from Hannah at Once Upon A Time, the Queen of Perfect Timing! This book was actually waiting on the doorstep when I got home on Christmas Eve, and you just can't get any better than that.


Right then. You're going to be so, so sick of my posts over the next few days, I can guarantee it. I'm waaaay behind but I suddenly feel motivated so I'll work on catching up.

I'll do a normal IMM on Sunday (or thereabouts) and talk about my non-Christmassy books but I couldn't wait any longer to say a public thank you for the above :) 


  1. I'm UTTERLY jealous of your Poe book! I have a tatty thing I picked up in a charity shop once but I want this edition SO BAD! And BBC P&P, of course. You know.. I've never seen Colin Firth as Mr Darcy? Yup. True story.

    Also dreading doing IMM. Haven't done one since just after the 7th.. Think it's gonna be a cop out unless I could perhaps nab a webcam from somewhere.

  2. @Hannah - You've never seen Colin Firth's Mr. Darcy!? Sacriliege!!!

    Yeah, mine is huge too. It's why I split it into chunks - did the Christmas one yesterday and I'll do a normal one on Sunday. Couldn't not post about my Christmas books, anyway!

    But definitely get a webcam anyway :)

  3. What a great selection of books! Happy reading :)

  4. Phewf - I'm not the only person that thinks of fellow bloggers as friends. That's good!

    Firstly, that Poe book looks amazing. I must have one - I've never read any Poe and that is the most beautiful introduction to an author I have ever seen! And if it were me, I'm fairly certain that I'd have both of the delicious hardbacks in their plastic for their whole lives.

    I'm also more convinced that I should read The Night Circus every day. If nothing else, it just looks so pretty! I shall read your review and then be a copy cat and read it. Decision made.

  5. @LIB- Haha, not at all! I find myself in bookshops all the time, going 'Oh, I must tell so-and-so about that' and have to restrain myself from digging my phone out and sending a tweet right there and then!

    I only read Poe for the first time a month or so ago, but I loved it and so I have to have this. But God, it's gorgeous.

    So's the Night Circus actually. Do you have it yet? I'm halfway through my review (by which I mean I've written the title and posted a picture) but I can't think of a thing to write. You know when you liked a book but can't really explain it without just looking dopey and giving a thumbs up? :|


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