Sunday 11 December 2011

In My Mailbox #19 - King Arthur and Christian Louboutin

I can't even explain how awesome this week has been. I only received one book, but oh what a book it was!

I came home from an extended trip to my boyfriend's the find the heaviest (yet smallest) Amazon parcel you have ever seen in your entire life. Confused, because I hadn't ordered anything, I ripped it open and found...

This was sent to me as a surprise Christmas present by The Lit Addicted Brit who, naturally, I now love more than life itself. This book is beautiful. It's hardback leather with an embossed cover, gold-edged pages and apparently it has illustrations but I haven't quite brought myself to take off the plastic wrapping yet!

It was such a wonderful surprise and it still makes me happy everytime I look at it. I have sent her a proper e-mail thank-you (well, I haven't yet, but it's typed and ready to be sent!) but this will serve as a public one because hey, she deserves it!

Like I said, that was the only book I got this week, but (and I apologise for this but we are Booking In Heels, after all!) just look at these!

  These are Christian Louboutin heels that I found in my advent calendar yesterday. I know, I know - most people get chocolate pieces in theirs. I do too - Disney Princess shaped ones, in fact. But ever since I was little, my Dad has made advent 'buckets' for me and my Mum - a bucket full of little wrapped presents, one for each day of advent, consisting of 23 little presents and one big one. 

Obviously this was my big one. Huge one, in fact. These shoes are expensive and to be honest, I'm surprised my Dad even knew what they were. I opened a parcel marked 'Fragile' and found a stick-on mirror for the visor in my car (I've pulled it down expecting there to be a mirror every day for the last three years, despite there Never Ever being one) and a post-it not telling me to look in the cupboard under the wash-stand.

Doesn't everybody want to open a cupboard and find a surprise pair of Louboutins?

It's an awful photo, but these are the shoes on my feet. Perhaps French designer heels shouldn't be paired with a skeleton dress and a spaniel, but hey, that's what Sundays are for!

Have a great week everyone!


  1. those shoes are HOT!! and i really like the cover of the king arthur book. awesome IMM :)

    check ours out HERE .


  2. Ohh gorgeous!

    I love the book! Wants it myself, I love Arthurian stuff to bits! And those shooooes I wish I could WALK in heels. Also, the spaniel? "Gawd stop pointing cameras at me I HATE having my picture taken. Fine. But I'm not smiling." :p

    Now where's my email? ;)

  3. @Hannah - Walking in heels? It's a gift ;)

    I love Arthur stuff too, especially in pretty hardback editions. I have a few Folio editions on my shelf.

    Haha, I know! But actually she wouldn't get OUT of the picture so I had to settle for her only covering up ONE shoe lol.

  4. It's gotta be, I suck at it! But then I'm tall and never had great balance so.. I stick to flats. Ha.
    Ohh jealous! I don't have any Arthurian Folios!

  5. That book is gorgeous! And those heels look scary - how can you walk in them? I'd fall over in a minute!

  6. 'More than life itself'?! It really must be pretty :-p

    I'm chuffed that you like it - if I was a blushing type of girl, I'd be at it now!

    It was one of those books that looked really pretty in a picture online and then I ordered it and then I was worried that it wouldn't be as nice (because I'm an idiot like that)...but it is. Hooray! I do so love Christmas!

    And, of course, those shoes are SO BEAUTIFUL!! Looking at them makes me want to stop buying food just so that I can buy some of my own! Major, major shoe envy over here! I haven't even got a regular advent calendar this year, never mind one that includes designer shoes! Ugh, you're so lucky!

  7. @LIB - Haha, my entire University years consisted of not buying food in order to buy shoes and books! It got so bad I had all my shoes arranged in towers according to which designer/store they were!

    What? How can you not have a chocolate advent calendar? Don't you want those chemically, tiny pieces of nasty chocolate? :p

    And King Arthur is DEFINITELY as pretty in person. Maybe prettier, because I didn't know the pages would be gold!

  8. I don't think there's such a thing as "shouldn't be paired with" ... I mean, come on, don't those go with EVERYTHING? Fun week :)
    Megan @ Read It, See It

  9. Those shoes are amazing. You're a lucky girl! :) I was also looking to buy a few of the Barnes and Noble classics but as of now I have no money, so those will have to wait. :) I'm a new follower!

  10. Wow you sure are loved lol everything looks brillant!

  11. You have an amazing Dad and those shoes look great on you ! Wow !

  12. Oh my god I LOOOOVE those shoes!!! *drool*

    Xpresso Reads

  13. Wow, what a week you've had! The book is so purty - and the shoes... yikes! I think this is the closest I've ever come to a pair of Louboutins. I can't walk in heels, never could. They look simply fabulous, dahling - and a skeleton dress on a Sunday, marvellous. The Day of (Ultimate) Rest and all that... :)

  14. Wow, your dad is awesome! :))) that is such a great idea for an advent calendar! Those shoes look beautiful.

  15. Um, how awesome is your Dad?!?!?! AMAZING!


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