Friday 25 November 2011


When You're Not Reading: What occupies your time when your nose isn't stuck in a book?

Wait, I'm meant to do other things!?

Not that much of a joke either, really. I have M.E. and Lupus so I don't work and I can't get out much so my nose is pretty much always stuck in a book! 

It's not as bad as I make it sound though. I live in Bradford but I spent a lot of time travelling to visit my boyfriend in Sheffield, so we're together a lot. We watch TV sometimes (Castle, The Mentalist, Community, House...) or other times he'll watch American Football and I'll read my book. It's very, very rare I watch TV on my own though. It wouldn't bother me in the slightest if we got rid of the damn thing. I use it for playing on the X-box 360 (I used to work in a GAME store so I'm pretty addicted) but that's it really.

I'm hoping to do my BPTC (legal course that allows you to actually practise) next year, so I'm spending a ridiculous amount of time applying for mini-pupillages and filling in the horribly lengthy form. Wish me luck!

Obviously I blog a lot and meander around the Internet. I'm pretty much a loner and I'm happy to be so. I have close family, friends and a boyfriend but I'm perfectly content spending the day on my own.
I look forward to being more active one day (I used to be a Scout Leader and go climbing, canoeing, etc frequently) but for now I'm happy spending my days in a book.


  1. Newest follower here! Best of luck with your BPTC! That sounds like a heck of a lot of work, and it's awesome you're going for it!

    Here's my TGIF:

  2. I'm a new follower! Good luck with your BPTC - you'll surely get it :) And I agree; I'm also the type who's very content being on my own.

  3. OH emmm geeee your blog is so friggin cute! New follower here :)

    And good luck with the BPTC, you're gonna rock it out!

    Lah @ LazyGirl Reads


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