Sunday 2 October 2011

In My Mailbox #15

Welcome to the first IMM using my new layout! I'm oddly proud of it so make sure you 'ooh' and 'aah' sufficiently. And to celebrate, here is a picture of Zombie Hanna, which is obviously completely relevant and useful in every way. That's my 'Yay, new layout!' face, can't you tell?

Anyway, it's been a slow week for book acquisitioning.

Ouch, even slower than I'd thought. I'd expected to write about two or three books today, but looking at my LibraryThing, I received the books in question at the end of last week so I've already rambled about them. Huh. So, I'll leave you with a pretty picture of Blue Moon by Alyson Noel and ideally a small sense of well-intentioned pity at my lack of books.

Hope your week was better than mine! :)


  1. Well tis a very pretty new layout! Totally perfect AND I love the sidebar. I don't know why. See.. I'm addicted to pretty sidebars. There. I said it. I'm forever tweaking and moving and updating things in my sidebars and I'm a sucker for a nice sidebar.

    Once Upon A Time

  2. Love your layout! :)

  3. I've never been to this blog before, but I like this layout. You kind of look like the girl on the cover !

  4. I love your blog! I'm a new follower. :)

    I read the first book in the Immortals series, and I just couldn't get into it. I love the covers, though, so maybe I'll try again. Happy reading!

  5. It's all about quality instead of quantity :) Enjoy your reading this week!

  6. Love the new layout! :)

    Michele | My IMM

  7. @Kelly - Hi Kelly, thanks for stopping by! It's weird, the Immortals books seem to get such mixed reviews. I've read blogs where people hate them and others where they adore them! One way to find out, I guess...

  8. Your new layout is super cute! I really like it! Hope you like the book - I,m not really a fan of Alyson Noel but I've never tried this one.

    Xpresso Reads
    P.S. I've also got a new giveaway on my blog for Remembrance if you want to enter.

  9. I thought I saw a new layout. ;) It looks awesome! And it fits your blog perfectly. I love it!

    And speaking of that book, it seems great too! I hope you enjoy. :)

    My IMM!


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