Friday 21 October 2011

Friday Follow #7

What super-hero is your alter-ego?

Haha, you have no idea what an appropriate question this is! Tomorrow is my boyfriend's birthday and we're all going out dressed up as comic book characters. This is my costume, although obviously I've tried to um... 'un-slut' it a bit. I have to admit though, I love this costume more than life itself. So colourful!

But that doesn't really answer the question at all, does it? I am actally geeky enough to buy and read comic books every week, so it's hard to choose... I think I'm going to go with Black Cat from Spider-Man. She has funky hair, she's friendly, flirty and ended up a Super-Hero completely by accident. I've always liked her.


  1. I have a friend who went as "Slutty Robin" last year lol! I like your reasons for picking Black Cat :)

    New follower, check out my #FF here!

  2. New follwoer!

    Awesome costume, and yes, Balck cat is a great choice.

    Here's mine:

  3. Just hopping through!

    I'm a new follower!
    Happy Friday!

    - Sarah
    Sarah's Shelf


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