Friday 16 September 2011


Book Disappointments: Have you ever come across a book you were so stoked to read, but it failed miserably in your eyes? 

I've never been so sure of the answer to a question in my entire life - Breaking Dawn.

I was so excited when I heard that a new Twilight book was coming out. I had the day marked on my calendar, made a special trip to the bookstore, immediately started reading it... and loathed it.

Where to start? It just read like bad fanfiction. There was a stupidly named Super!Baby to go with Super!Bella that is somehow Super!Awesome and doesn't have the newborn sickness that everybody made such a big deal of. Charlie doesn't care that Bella is still a vampire and the cringe-worthy sex scene made me want to claw my own eyes out. Even the writing style didn't seem like it was up to Stephanie Meyer's usual standard.

But you know what I did like? The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner. I had such low expectations for it, but I actually like it more than Breaking Dawn. Although I'm pretty sure that was written by a monkey... 


  1. Haha...a lot of dislike today for Bree Tanner's story, but you went a different direction. :) I agree, though, I really didn't enjoy Breaking Dawn. Maybe the first seven chapters or so, but after that, it was too much crazy for me.

    Happy TGIF!!! :D

  2. I am so with you...I loved, loved the first 3 but Breaking Dawn totally lost me...I'll probably still see the movie though

  3. I'm really surprised more people didn't have the same answer. BD is almost universally disliked. Mine was Mockingjay.

  4. Wow - everybody is answering either Breaking Dawn or Mockingjay. I couldn't agree more.


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