Sunday 25 September 2011

In My Mailbox #14

Right, so this is likely to be the briefest IMM in the world, due to a kick-ass hangover from attending Zombie Prom last night. You dress up like you're going to Prom but were attacked by a zombie horde on the way. And then, if you're me, you drink too much and amuse your parents by drunkenly failing to get the key in the lock. 

I'm the demented-looking blonde one.

Anyway, from the library:

I know, I know - I've bitched too many times about 'stupid teenage vampire books' to borrow Bloody Valentine from the library without you all mocking me. But I actually like the Blue Bloods series; they stand out a bit from all the other tripe. This one is the most recent, I think, so I'm shocked and surprised that Sheffield Library actually had a copy.

I Killed Scherezade:Confessions of an Angry Arab Woman is exactly what it says on the tin. I had a quick look through, and it looks accessible and funny, so why not?

Flowers for Algernon was on the 'New Books' shelf - an addition to the library that disproves my theory that Sheffield Library hasn't bought any books since 1957. I wanted to read this years and years ago when I saw it in a shop, so I'm glad to finally get the chance to. From what I can remember, it's a science lab cleaner who is experimented upon to increase his IQ. Unfortunately, the mouse the chemical had previously been given to dies, and the cleaner realises he's in for a similar state.


I've been wanting to read The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake ever since it came out, but I've never actually seen it in a damn shop anywhere. I managed to swap for it this week though, and I was looking forward to reading it, but a quick flick through shows me that Ms Bender apparently doesn't believe in the use of speech marks. I get the feeling this will annoy me...

The Gargoyle was on somebody's swap list and I was dying to get rid of they book they asked for, so here we are. I vaguely remember an ex-boyfriend (maybe?) reading it and saying it was brutal, but I'm sure it'll get read at some point.

This was sent to me by Bex at An Armchair by the Sea, pretty much just because she's awesome. Honestly, she gets married and she sends me a present... I think we've got something wrong here!


  1. Lack of speech marks?! Whut?!! Sacrilege. And here's me being put off books written in short sentences. So it sounds like this. CONSTANTLY. Think that might be Dark Inside, maybe? Whatever it was I don't think I can do it, there's no flow! A lack of speech marks.. just no. Punctuation was invented for a reason and proper usage of it is not conforming but in fact intelligently using your art. Disregarding correct usage isn't clever, to do that you need to play with layout, wording, and actually writing a good story. Pff.

  2. Oh, I need to see what's The Gargoyle like! Such an interesting haul! Enjoy your books! Zombie prom sounds like such fun :)

  3. I read The Gargoyle a few years ago - it's very strange and a bit graphic in places but on the whole I seem to remember liking it. I think it's one of those books where you get to the end and aren't quite sure what's been going on but that it was good anyway. Plus, I do love the cover!

  4. @Hannah - I know! I think they do it to be quirky and non-conformist, but it puts me off. I might have read that book immediately, but the lack of speech marks has put me WAY off.

  5. Great books, have fun reading them :)

    Have a great week,

    Rachel @ Fictional Fantasy

    PS - Come and check out my IMM if you get a chance!


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