Thursday, March 13, 2025

Saturday, 13 August 2011

Monster Review-a-Thon Mini Challenge #6

Organizing Your Bookshelves

Now that you've starting organizing your upcoming book reviews, it's time to look at your bookshelves, or e-bookshelves.

A few things I plan to do is:

Get my Kindle in order, create some different categories to put books in.

Shift my to-read shelves to create space for the books I've gotten this week and try to weed out books I don't think I'll ever get to.

Your plans may be way different then mine. Maybe it's time for a new bookshelf or time to shove some books in a box and put them in the attic. I'd love to see some bookshelf pictures when you guys complete this challenge. And if you have nothing you think you have to do, snap of pic of your miraculously awesome bookshelves and post it to complete the challenge.

Okay, so I tried really hard to get a photo of my shelves for this one, but not only could I not upload them on to my laptop, I gave myself an electrical shock in the process. So moving swiftly on from my iPhone cable mishap...

I've recently moved from my own flat back into my parent's house (where I live half the time - I spend the other half 45 miles away at my boyfriends) and that means there were two rooms jam-packed with books to consense into one. I managed to get all the books I wanted to keep on to a shelf in the correct alphabetical order... and then I gave up.

This mini-challenge was a great excuse to finally finish sorting out my shelves. Firstly, I had a huge box of books that I had to decide whether to put up to swap or to send to a charity shop. Today I actually managed to sort through them all and decide what goes where. I think the swap box will get shoved under my bed for now, but that'll do me. The others are bagged up ready for my Mum to take to the charity shop on Monday. Job done!

The next job was to sort out an empty shelf in the middle that separates fiction from non-fiction and my TBR shelves. I decided when I first moved back that I was going to use it for my book 'collections' - like classics I buy in a particular edition, or my collection of different Pride and Prejudices. Unfortunately, I'd just piled them all up on there, and not bothered to arrange them properly. But hey, now I have :) I have my Vintage classic books (the ones with the red spines, my Penguin fabric-covered classics, my Spanish fiction books, my Pride and Prejudices and my Folio Society edition of the Legends of King Arthur all nicely arranged and shiny.

I had also planned to make more room for my TBR today - it already fills up a shelf (with books shoved in horizontally above too) and there's still another bag to go up. I contemplated tackling it today but it meant moving shelves around and I didn't really feel up to it.

Still, I feel like I've done a pretty good job! Those things have been bugging me for a while and the Review-a-thon finally made me get my arse in gear! :)

1 comment:

  1. It's a nice feeling to get to things you've been meaning to do! I dragged some books to our secondhand store yesterday and it was nice seeing those gone. :) Glad to see how much you've gotten done!


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