Thursday 2 June 2011

The Time Will Come #2

This is a Thursday meme hosted by Jodie at Books For Company to shine a light on those books we've had on our TBR piles so long that they're practically part of the furniture.

To join in, just post about a book you've been really meaning to read and then hop on over here and link up. I love looking at everyone else's TBR piles, so you can see a full list of the other participants over there too.

 This is Dry Store Room No.1: The Secret Life of the Natural History Museum by Richard Fortey.

It's been on my TBr since... ooh, last February? It takes a look at the secrets of London's Natural History museum, complete with strange artifacts, staff liason areas and interesting anecdotes.

I really do want to read this, but the fiction on my TBR always looks so much more appealing than the non-fiction, philistine though I may be.

1 comment:

  1. l agree, l have a few non fiction but l always pick up the fiction! It's always good to read something different though =)


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