Saturday 25 June 2011

Saturday Wishlist #6

Like most of you, I have a wishlist the length of the Nile or, at the very least, the River Severn. It's long. Most of them will never see the light of day as they were added on a whim or a reading phase I've gotten bored of, or have been so trampled on by the newer additions that they languish on page eight, completely forgotten about.

However, Carolyn from Book Chick City has a solution to make all those neglected wishlistees feel loved again. Each week, she posts a few of those books that one day (one day, God damn it!) she wi
ll eventually buy.

I have as much guilt over not yet introducing those unloved tomes to my shelves as anyone, so here's part #6 of my now-weekly Wishlist. These are three books that I might have eventually got round to owning by 2019. Maybe.

 I guarantee that this will be the very next book that I buy, I'm dying to read it. It's How To Be A Woman by Caitlin Moran and I can see that it looks amazing just from by brief flick through on Friday.

It's a semi-autobiography with a feminist slant. Apparently Ms Moran has a column somewhere, but I've never come across it.

I can't wait to get paid on Friday.

I'm going through a bit of a Grace Kelly phase - the beautiful 1950s movie star who ran off and married the Prince of Monaco. From movie star to Princess, it's every girl's dream!

The book is Grace Kelly Style: Fashion for Hollywood's Princess by Kristina Haugland. It's a big glossy book, published by the Victoria & Albert Museum to coincide with an exhibiton of Ms Kelley's clothes. It provides a nice biography of her life and work, with emphasis on her signature fashion style.

Right, Blogger has stubbornly decided that it doesn't actually want me to upload any images today, thank you very much, so you're all just going to have to picture Forgotten by Cat Patrick in your pretty little heads. 

I saw that one on my Waterstones too and as it's on a 3 for 2 offer with How To Be A Woman, it will probably also be working its way onto my shelves on Friday.

The rest of my wishlist can be found here.

1 comment:

  1. I really really want How To Be a Woman! I nearly bought it yesterday, actually but decided i've acquired enough books in June so it'll have to wait till July! Her column is in the Saturday Times Review section, and it is good :-)


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