Friday 24 June 2011

Follow Friday #2

Q. In light of the Summer Solstice, also known as Midsummer...let's talk about fairies. What is your favourite fairy tale or story that revolves around the fae?

My favourite fairy tale... I don't think I ever really had one. I used to love the Disney film of the Little Mermaid, even lying in the bath and swishing my hair about to pretend I was a mermaid, so I'll go with that one. When I was little, I used to prefer the non-Princess (and therefore non-fairytale) Disneys - Aladdin, Robin Hood, Hercules... I guess I just didn't have a very fairytale enhanced childhood!

Fairies, however... I've liked those ever since my Dad first jokingly told me I was a Changeling baby and my Mum had to then explain how fairies sometimes swapped their babies for our own. At some point she did mention that I wasn't one, which prompted a vague feeling of disappointment.
Because of that story, I've always liked the darker fairy stories, not the prissy pink and glittery versions. I think my favourite is Faerie Tale by Raymond Feist. It's the only book of his I've come across that I actually like, as I tried Magician then realised that it was actually better off as a doorstop.

Faerie Tale is amazing though. It's dark and brutal, with just the right amount of traditional story in to keep it relevant. It centers around Changeling babies which I've always loved the idea of, even after admitting that my family probably didn't receive me in exchange for their own darling baby girl.


  1. Happy follow Friday! We're your newest followers!

    Dude, I'm totally loving your pink hair!

  2. I've never read Faerie Tale but cover looks like it is a bit scary.

  3. @Alexis - It's not scary really. Or not that I remember. Basically there are male twins and one gets possessed by a faerie. The big spider thing... I think it just lurks around the house maybe? I really want to reread it now!

    It's quite dark, but doesn't quite cross the line into scary.

  4. I haven't read Faerie Tale in ages! I have forgotten all about it I loved it as well, will have to try and pick it up again!

    My Hop

    Suzanne @ Under the Covers

  5. I've never read Faerie Tale. I should check it out.

    Just popping by from Parajunkee.
    New follower.

    Happy Friday!

    morsie reads

  6. new follower here... haven't read Raymond Feist's Faerie Tale, but I like the fact that its quite dark! I used to read Brothers Grimm fairy stories and they usually had a dark side to them!

    Happy belated Friday!

  7. Hopping through. New follower! I should look up Faerie Tale. I've never heard of it before.
    My Hop

  8. I always liked the little mermaid. She liked to sing which I always liked.

    Following you.

  9. I saw this post and first thought, "Why haven't I heard of this book?" and then slowly it came to me that I have, and I think I've even read it, six years or so ago. Was it a bit disturbing? That's the impression I'm left with, but I can't remember any of the details...


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