Sunday 22 May 2011

The Sunday Sum-Up and Book Blogger Hop - May 22nd

Well, the end of the week has finally dragged its sorry self here. I've finished labouring in the GAME shop for two days, and I plan to attack my TBR pile with vigour. In the meantime, here's what's been going on at Booking in Heels...

  • This week I finally got around to reading The Swan Thieves by Elizabeth Kostova, a huge novel which has been on my TBR for more than a year. I also continued my apparent mental illness streak by reviewing Veronika Decides To Die by Paulo Coelho and satisfied a friend who has been begging me to read Mortal Engines.
  • I also went on a psychotic rampage in my local library, and brought home far more books than was reasonably necessary.
  • On Saturday I took a quick look at three books on my ever-growing wishlist and then naturally lamented my lack of available funds for book-buying.
I'm currently reading Who's Afraid of Jane Austen? How to REALLY Talk About Books You Haven't Read. I know, I know, it goes against all my ingrained principles too, but better the devil you know!

So, that was my Sunday Sum-Up - now on to the Hop!

Book Blogger Hop

'If you were given the chance to spend one day in a fictional world (from a book), which book would it be from and what would that place be?'

My first instinct is to scream "Hogwarts! HOGWARTS!", grab my already-packed trunk from under the bed (almost definitely a joke....) and dash down to King's Cross in a stripey scarf. Like every other Harry Potter reader in the entire world, I'd kill to go to Hogwarts. Hell, I'd kill small countries for the chance. But then, the question says you can only go for a day and only spending one day at Hogwarts would suck.

So then, my single day experience... I'm contemplating saying the world from David Eddings' fantasy series, The Belgariad. It's a psuedo-medieval world, complete with magic, gods and different races. I'd love to go visit Drasnia especially - the home of the sneaky spies and thieves.

But actually I'm going to be a Cheater Cheater, Sneaky Reader and say I'd visit the BookWorld from Jasper Fforde's Thursday Next series. Ms Next can jump into any book she likes, all of which are connected by a huge library and marketplace called the BookWorld. It would be amazing to meet characters from every book milling about the place in their free time and watch how books are put together.

You can take part in the Book Blogger Hop too, just click here.


  1. I chose Hogwarts, too, but I didn't even think of how awful it would be to leave after just ONE day. There's no way I could see everything in 24 hours! Oh well, I would still go :)

    Glad to have found you via the Hop!

  2. Hopping by to visit and follow! That Who's Afraid of Jane Austen? book sounds great. I like classics, but there are way more classics that I wish I had at least a working knowledge of without taking the time to read all 600 pages. :-)

  3. It's okay so far, but I'm most interested in the chapters about books I've already read and that seems to defeat the purpose of the book somewhat!

  4. Hi - found you via the Hop. Glad to be here. I am a new follower. Would love to have a follow at my blog when you have a moment. Donna


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